Elaine Marolakos Edelson
Elaine Marolakos Edelson is one of the country's most renowned intuitive channels, empaths, astrologers, and energy workers, with certification in applied Kinesiology. Over the past 25 years, her worldwide clientele and audience span 70 countries.
As host of her former L. A. radio show, Manifest Change Now, she’s interviewed global motivators such as John Assaraf (One Coach,The Answer and The Secret), Chris Attwood (The Passion Test). Elaine’s counseled acclaimed best selling authors and new thought leaders; Marci Shimoff (Happy For No Reason) and Debbie Allen (Confessions of Shameless Self-Promoters), to leaders in business, spirituality, law, and entertainment.
Elaine was also the spiritual advisor to the critically lauded feature film, Sedona starring Frances Fisher.
Elaine Marolakos Edelson is currently writing and marketing her historical fiction novels-Sign of the Times Series dedicated to each astrological sign. Aries Fire, first in the series, is a #1 Best Seller on Amazon.com Kindle. Elaine's purpose is to empower, enlighten, educate and entertain people with conscious intentions to have wealth, health, passion & purpose all in one lifetime.
Connect With Elaine

Posts by Elaine Marolakos Edelson:
Use Astrology to Boost Wealth, Health, Passion & Purpose
Top 5 Things NOT to Say to Scorpio (or Scorpio Rising sign)
Mercury in Retrograde For Each Sign
Mercury In Retrograde Stole My Words
Lunar Eclipse In Aries – Drivers Start Your Engines
Top 5 Things NOT To Say To Libra (Or Libra Rising Sign)
Top 5 Things NOT To Say To A Virgo (Sun Or Rising Sign)
Manifesting A Truly Intentional Life Part 2
Manifesting A Truly Intentional Life
Royalty Has A New Name
Top 5 Things NOT To Say To A Leo (Sun Or Rising Sign)
Mercury In Retrograde…A Turn Of Events Part Two
Mercury In Retrograde…A Turn Of Events Part One
Top 5 Things Not To Say To A Cancer (Sun Or Rising Sign)
Podcast: Top 5 Things Not To Say To A Scorpio
Podcast: How To Stop “Feeling Lost” – The Eclipses & You
Judgment Alert, Here Comes Another Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse In Taurus On May 9th & 10th
Lunar Eclipse Tips
Top 5 Things Not To Say To A Taurus
Will The Lunar Eclipse Make You Nuts?
Top 5 Things NOT to Say to an Aries (or Aries Rising Sign)
Struggle On The Rocks
Word Up
Mercury Retrograde In Pisces: Dreamy!
In To Me You See…The Real Intimacy
Hum A Few Cosmic Bars And Make A Miracle
Driven by Impatience? Headed Toward A Cliff: Part 2
Driven By Impatience? You’re Headed Toward The Cliff: Part 1
Your 2013 Astrological Overview Forecast
The Magic Crayon
Your January 2013 Vibration Is A New Sensation
Your 2013 Resolution Revolution
Your December 2012 Forecast
Have You Lost Your Mind?

Astrology defined First things first, let’s talk about what astrology is. This isn’t about beliefs or faith or religion. I’m simply going to define astrology and how you can easily use it in your daily life for [...]

1. Trust me. Ya’ right. Scorpios are the best silent detectives since computer spyware. As soon as you say something like, “Trust me,” their mental antenna turns on their internal lie-detector apparatus. They’re [...]

Mercury in Retrograde has begun! Why do some folks run and hide? Unless you’re on the Geek Squad, it ought to be one of the most revealing times of your life! (But hey, even the Geek Squad will get more work now [...]

Ah…I’m so duh…sometimes when Mercury in Retrograde rolls around (or rolls backward) I ought to say, I lose my words. They just don’t come. I sit, look at my thesaurus in the middle of writing [...]

The Lunar Eclipse on Friday, October 18, in the fiery sign of Aries is ready to ignite your spark. The Lunar Eclipse vibe begins a few days before the 18th and lasts an entire month. So expect that through the third [...]

As we enter into the sign of Libra, with its scales of justice, I like to think of Libra as the Harmonic Convergence of head and heart. Plan your month according to Harmony and be aware of when you toss the gauntlet [...]

As the Earth orbits around the sun you turn your pages on the calendar. Depending upon the exact longitude and latitude, the SUN SIGNS rotate as well, so that approximately the third week of each month we enter a new [...]

What does it take to manifest a truly intentional and happy life? Finding and releasing your poverty consciousness. This is part 2 of the manifesting blog. I hope you read part 1 with the exercises to get you started. What [...]

To manifest a truly intentional life, first you have to know if you’ve got poverty consciousness. How do you know if you’ve got poverty consciousness? If you attempt to manifest wonderful things and happy [...]

Welcome to the world, George Alexander Louis Mountbatten-Windsor. And congratulations to his parents, more specifically his mom, for a ‘job well done.’ (That’s British-ease for ‘Catherine, honey you need a nap [...]

As the Earth orbits around the sun we turn our pages on the calendar. Depending upon the exact longitude and latitude, the SUN SIGNS rotate as well, so that approximately the third week of each month we enter a new Astrological [...]

In the last post, I briefly described the vibe of a Mercury in retrograde in the Water Sign of Cancer. Well, we’re already in the guise of the energy of this retrograde. But how will it affect each astrological [...]

Mercury in retrograde in the Water sign of Cancer is soon upon us. Even though the actual dates are June 26-July 20, all retrogrades are felt one week prior to one week after their scheduled turn of events. What is a [...]

As the Earth orbits around the sun you turn the pages on the calendar. Depending upon the exact longitude and latitude, the sun signs rotate as well, so that approximately the third week of each month we enter a new [...]

Listen Here: Elaine Marolakos Edelson is one of the country’s foremost and gifted astrologers and intuitives. With over 30 years experience as a spiritual counselor, Elaine has a worldwide clientele and audience [...]

Listen Here: JenningsWire blogger, Elaine Marolakos Edelson, is one of the country’s foremost and gifted astrologers and intuitives. With over 30 years experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Elaine has a worldwide [...]

Maybe you don’t follow astrology and don’t realize there’s a reason behind the ‘spinning.’ Perhaps you think you’re the only one who feels like they’re going nuts. Maybe you’re [...]

Here comes the Sun…do do do doooo…along with the Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Taurus. What does it mean? The things you’ve been working toward are at hand (with a few surprises, too)! But the past [...]

If you haven’t yet read the last post about the Lunar Eclipse and your sign, I’d highly recommend it. Just remember that the planets, Sun and Moon don’t dictate to you, but rather illuminate what you’re [...]

1.) “Here. I got you a gift.” If you’d really like to confuse your Bull, give them something and watch them frown. “Huh? Why are you giving this to me?” Will be their first response instead of, “Hey, [...]

The Lunar Eclipse on April 25, at 5 degrees of Scorpio, will be a marker of where you are with your desires and owning up to your responsibilities. Not only that, but the planet Saturn–that represents authority, [...]

1. “Get out of my way.” Yeah, you don’t want to say that to your Aries friend. Aries don’t like to be pushed around. They sometimes confuse conversation with confrontation. If you’d like to get [...]

If you feel your life is an endless series of struggles and suffering, remember you have a choice. This may sound harsh but it’s true. It just might be that you’re simply unaware of your choices to help you out of [...]

‘Avra K’davra’ is a Hebrew phrase that means, “I create as I speak.” Move over Voldemorte, your time is up. If you’re not aware of what you’re creating, then it’s time to become [...]

Mercury in Retrograde in Pisces from February 23 through March 17. Not only is Mercury, the planet that represents communication, in retrograde motion, it’s also in the watery & dreamy sign of Pisces. Wait! [...]

Let’s talk about intimacy. I know, we’ve already had enough chocolate on Valentine’s day to enter into a sugar coma, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Intimacy is often mistaken for [...]

Mind-blowing science behind sounds. If you had the right equipment you could measure your energy scientifically. Let’s take a brief look at what Science is doing with energetic experiments. The research lab at [...]

A diagnosis. If you’ve been wired to give and give and give and then suddenly wake one day and say, “Hey! What about me? When’s it MY turn to get back?” Then you might be looking at a classic case of ‘driven [...]

Something to think about. I’d like you to think about how, since childhood, you might have been excited about something: saving money for a gift, having a birthday party, opening presents on holidays, visiting an old [...]

The planets don’t do anything to you. But…we DO live in a cooperation with the Cosmos. When a planet makes a move, you feel it. When You make a move, the planets show it…mirror, mirror on the Cosmic [...]

It was five years ago. My husband Dean gave me a birthday present to see the profoundly conscious singing sensation Lisa Gerrard at the Humphreys Hotel in San Diego, California. It’s a beautiful hotel, with an [...]

What’s the new year all about? 2013 is the Chinese Year of the Water Snake, a Numerological ‘6’ Vibration, and the year to see the ‘Sign post up ahead’…the Twilight Zone? Nah, your [...]

What does 2013 mean to you? For many it means the opportunity to start over–to lose weight, make more money, to spend more time with family, or to finally clean out the garage before the producers of ‘Hoarders’ [...]

Sun in Sagittarius to Dec 21. Practical Spirituality promotes Gratitude. Make it a daily habit and watch what happens. This is the long-anticipated ’12.21.12’ month. The end of the Mayan calendar means…the beginning [...]

This is what you might think whilst looking in the mirror, or what you might ask your friends and family during the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini phase-November 24 through Christmas. The Lunar Eclipse occurs on November 28, [...]