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Podcast: Get Over Your Ex Now!

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Today’s guest is Human Behavior & Relationship Expert, Dr. Patrick Wanis PhD, author of the new audio book, Get Over Your Ex Now! Love Isn’t Enough – The Breakup Cure His expert analysis has been featured by major news outlets worldwide such as CNN, BBC, MSNBC and FOX News.

Get Over Your Ex Now!

  • Why did you call the subheading of your book “Love isn’t enough – the breakup cure”?
  • In your book, Get Over Your Ex Now, you refer to the impact of rejection. Why is it so hard for us to get over a breakup?
  • Your book is divided into 3 sections: Understanding yourself, understanding relationships, and, transforming – shame, guilt, fear and forgiveness. Why are these 3 significant?
  • Many people often interchange the words, guilt and shame. What is the difference between guilt and shame?
  • Where can people take the free breakup test?

Learn more about Dr. Patrick Wanis and his new audio book, Get Over Your Ex Now! at www.patrickwanis.com

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