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Our guest today is Jacqueline Pirtle, a bestselling author and speaker. Jacqueline is a Healing Arts Consultant, Holistic Practitioner and owner of Freaky Healer. Today we’re talking about her book, What It Means To Be A [...]
A little while ago while I was in my self-imposed no-dating hiatus, I was chatting with a guy named Brent whom I’ve known casually for several years.
I’ve always liked him as a person, but never, not once, looked at or thought about [...]
Ever the adventurer, I recently stepped out of my comfort zone and signed up for a few online dating sites and apps.
Over the last few years, I’ve found that it’s become harder and harder to connect with people in the real world. Walk into [...]
We have all heard about the glass ceiling.
Whether you believe it exists or not, you have heard about it. For those unfamiliar with the term, the glass ceiling is defined as an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, [...]
Too often single women dating in midlife sabotage themselves and their relationships with behavior that is immature, unproductive or actually destructive.
Here are eight mistakes to avoid when dating, starting a relationship or moving ahead [...]
Do you feel like you’re on a tightrope at times and don’t know where your relief is?
You can really get more life satisfaction and still be a loving and attentive partner, mother and career woman when you know how to de-stress.Stress [...]
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Karyn Beach is the host of the Get It Together Girl Podcast, where she celebrates women in their Fabulous 40s, Feisty 50s and encourages them to make their second act their best act.
Get It Together Girl
What is the Second [...]
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Linda Babulic is a ZEST Expert and author of ZEST Your Life – A Taste of Inner Wisdom which offers the confidence and happiness building recipe that women everywhere have been waiting for. From one-on-one consults, to [...]
I recently asked my Facebook friends, “What does ‘Sacred Friendship’ mean to you?”
Collectively speaking, the definition of a sacred friendship is as follows:
“A bond from deep within, at the level of the heart and soul. A tie which [...]
Competitive nature bombards you and you likely compete with it all day long.
Don’t think you do? Think again. Are you hurrying against time moving to your next meeting? Getting ahead of that car in front of you? Pushing up the line for coffee? [...]
As women, change is second nature.
It’s starts in the beginning. Sometimes before we even hit the double digits of age, barely finished playing with dolls, the transformation begins and suddenly why does my chest look different? Wait, are [...]
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Christy Largent is the author of 31 Positive Communication Skills for Women Devotional and host of Encouraging Words for Working Moms podcast where each week she interviews successful working moms to uncover their strategies, [...]
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Debra Brown Gordy MS MRET is a Women’s Spiritual Empowerment Mentor and founder of The Sophia Women’s Institute where she works with accomplished female professionals who hunger for more love and fulfillment, who want to [...]
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Mary Hunt is a personal-finance expert and the founder of Debt-Proof Living. She learned about being financially confident the hard way – by digging her family out of over $100,000 in unsecured credit card debt – and now [...]
Tammy, a 52 year old African American woman was a long standing employee of ABC* grocery.
She was with the company when those scanners were installed. She knows the inventory and respective vendors. She has been the leading store manager in [...]
Becoming as old as we feel isn’t a myth or an old wives tale; it’s backed by science.
How we feel and think about getting older influences how well we age and how we feel about us. It affects our health and our lives. The good news is that [...]
Stress fighter tip: It’s all in our attitude and focus.
It’s amazing just how much our attitude affects all we do. Especially when it comes to handling stress in our lives. The chose we make can either make or break us in the situations [...]
Do you make a choice, each day, to seize the moment, every single moment?
There is an enormous difference between just existing and being fully, joyfully consciously alive. To live with passion is to really accept and embrace the precious [...]
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Nancy Mills is the founder of, a global women’s empowerment community. Recognized as a leading women’s visionary, Nancy is the publisher of the Spirited Woman Directory: A Collection of Stories [...]
I filmed a PSA this morning with my “Little Sister”, Eve.
Eve was matched with me through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County. She’s 11 years old, and brilliant, beautiful, funny, creative, and light years ahead of the game, and [...]
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Today’s guest is Sylvia Lafair, Ph.D., President of Creative Energy Options, Inc., a global consulting company that targets and transforms workplace patterns for success and author of GUTSY: How Women Leaders Make Change.
GUTSY: [...]
“Clean your bedroom!” “Pick up the wet towel after your shower!” “Shut the light when you leave the room!”
These are a few of the things I would scream – like a broken record – to get my family [...]
I’ve been busy the past few months, which is a good thing. However what I’ve been doing is not my art.
I needed a decided effort to make any art at all. Creating has become a chore, but I don’t stare at a blank page or canvas. I look at [...]
A wedding gown is the purchase of a lifetime.
Many of us have dreamed of the perfect bridal gown so sweet it’s practically candy. Although shopping online has its advantages, there are a number of pitfalls that can cost you more than just [...]
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Licensed psychotherapist, Tina Tessina, or “Dr. Romance” has authored 13 books in 17 languages, including the bestseller – “The Ten Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make After Forty” – a reference guide [...]