Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Physical Activity for Better Mental Health

Listen Here:  Today’s guest is James Lewis, an award-winning author who spent twenty years in the Navy and has his Masters in Exercise Physiology. James is passionate about teaching the health benefits of physical activity, from [...]

Podcast: 365 Days of Happiness

Listen Here: In this podcast, is Jacqueline Pirtle, a bestselling author and speaker. Jacqueline is a Healing Arts Consultant, Holistic Practitioner and owner of Freaky Healer. Today we’re talking about her book, 365 Days of Happiness. 365 [...]

Podcast: How to Lighten Up When You’re Feeling Down

Listen Here:  Meet Allen Klein, author of The Lighten Up Book, and he shows audiences worldwide how to find humor in their not-so-funny stuff. And that is what he’ll discuss today. How To Lighten Up When You’re Feeling Down How [...]

Four Key Elements Of Health

Listen Here: Werner Berger is a Guinness World Records holder for the oldest person to have climbed the seven summits, including Mt. Everest.  After Werner’s Mt. Everest climb at age 69 he interviewed 40+ health experts to incorporate [...]

Turn Off The Engine of Your Mind

I bet you never had that thought. I bet you never thought that you had control over your thoughts – the amount of them, the rapidity of them, or the quality of them. Most people feel that they are their thoughts; they derive their very identity [...]
How To Use Guided Meditation To Overcome Adversity

Podcast: How To Use Guided Meditation To Overcome Adversity

Listen Here: Spiritual Life Coach Cristie Davis specializes in guided meditations and believes attitude is everything and that meditation is the key to achieving a happy, optimistic perspective for enhanced wellbeing.  How To Use Guided Meditation [...]
Health Habits For Success

Podcast: Health Habits For Success

Listen Here: Dr. Gary Epler is a Harvard Medical School Professor and authority on health, nutrition and peak performance. Author of Fuel For Life: Level-10 Energy, he’ll discuss with us important health habits that create a life filled with [...]
The New Author Journey

Podcast: The New Author Journey

Listen Here: Melissa Carter loves helping others, which is why she began her business, The Wholisitc Package, where she offers positive and empowering services to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness as well as personal and professional [...]
Celebrate Life

Podcast: Celebrate Life

Listen Here: Marcello Pedalino is a three-time national award winning DJ entertainer and lifestyle consultant, where he advises individuals, groups, and organizations on how to enhance their current fitness, style, and overall wellness status. Marcello [...]
Family Intervention Is a Loving Act

Family Intervention Is A Loving Act

When I mentioned to a friend that I would be involved in family intervention, she said, “Wo. You will be hearing a lot of anger today. Is there a chance that people will scream and fight?” Actually the couple I met in couple’s counseling, [...]

Change Others Unsuccessfuly to Stay in Your Box..Or Burst Free into Evolutionary Warmth!

Why do we try to change others’ realities for our own comfort? If they become what we wish will we really be happy? What if everything that happens is pointing us toward our fullness? What if rejection, unexpected reactions, or changes [...]
Are You "On the Verge"?

Podcast: Are You “On the Verge”?

Listen Here: Cara Bradley is the author of On the Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine. She will explain what it means to be on the verge  — to show up in this exact moment and meet our potential to shine in all aspects of our lives.  Are [...]

Wildflowers in the Mist: Mountain Climbing

“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter that the outcome, [...]
Tips To Keep That Youthful Look

Tips To Keep That Youthful Look

Recently, having been complimented on my skin yet again, especially acknowledging my large amount of accumulated years, I repeated an old joke about whipping up a potion – a witchy potion – that I take every night to keep that youthful appearance! Actually, [...]

High Altitude Adventure: Hut-to-Hut

“Have you known the Great White Silence? Not a snow-gemmed twig aquiver? Eternal truths that shame our soothing lives? Have you broken trail on snowshoes? Mushed your huskies up the river? Dared the unknown, led the way, and clutched the [...]

Podcast: Ancient Secrets of Manifesting Revealed

Listen Here: Ken Elliot is the author of the award winning book, Manifesting 123, and you don’t need #3. Learn simple steps to eliminate worry and manifest the desires of your life with Manifesting 123! Ancient Secrets of Manifesting [...]

Life Is Too Short: Get Off Your Cell Phone

During my youth, my dad took me fishing. My mom took me on bicycle rides. My dad shouldered me with a small daypack for hikes in the woods. He pointed out chattering squirrels. He helped me see my first deer. He pointed out a fox on a ridge. [...]

Be Free In The Problem

Problems! Everybody experiences them. You might call “life challenges” your classroom for living. If you notice—every movie, play, sitcom, drama, thriller and adventure story features problems for the protagonist to face and overcome. [...]

Divorced or Separated With Kids? Here Are 3 Tips for Helping Them Through This Holiday Season

The holiday season seems to come upon us earlier and earlier each year. Even before Thanksgiving, I started to notice all of the signs — colorful lights strung in front of houses, a glimpse of lit trees through windows and cheerful holiday [...]

The Voluptuousness Of Living

“Everything is downhill from here, ‘cept what’s up…it’s all in your attitude.” Katie Lee, 95, Jerome, Arizona, singer, environmental activist. Long ago, before modern communications, before electric lights, before mobility—people [...]

Pulling On A Life-Coat That Fits Your Aspirations

Too often, countless Americans stumble out of high school into ill-suited jobs, incompatible relationships and no plans for the future. They hang with discordant jobs in order to write checks for food, rent and car payments. Without using an [...]

Living In The Conversation of Your Life

Six days a week, I wake up early, pull on my jeans and head to the recreation center where I commit my body to a two hour workout. I swim a half-mile, lift weights, run, bicycle and meditate along with stretching in the hot tub. Why? I engage [...]

Can We Keep Calm In Every Situation Nowadays?

The internet meme of the British World War II slogan, “Keep Calm and Carry On” has morphed into any number of amusing applications. The latest I saw was “Keep Calm and Have a Tarot Reading”!  Is it really possible to keep calm in any [...]

Embrace Each Others’ Inherent Value-Stop Making One Another Sick

I’m alarmed at existing resistance toward trusting wellness in others. This is prevalent in circles of spiritual teachers, therapists, and healers. Listening to others’ goodness, instead of looking for pathology, affirms good in all.  [...]

Death: A Tight Shoe Taken Off So You Can Find A New Way To Dance

Last year, seven of my lifelong friends made their transition back to the greater dimensions of the universe. One very young and the rest spread across a time line of decades. Each lived a spectacular life. You might say that each died with [...]

Change is good. Transformation is even better.

We use words all the time. Often we don’t really know or think about their meaning. Heart murmur was a word like that. Until my dog was diagnosed with one, I didn’t really know what it was. In business we use words like change and transform [...]

Time for Re-creation

Summertime is known for recreation – sports, swimming, biking and hiking! Unfortunately what is supposed to be fun, can also be an extra burden on our bodies, minds and spirits. There are just so many hours in the day, and with extended [...]

The Bridge of Love in Paris – The Picture of Compromise

I am not a big fan of compromise. Yet I understand its role in our personal and professional lives. I wish compromise meant we did it my way. On a recent visit to Paris, France (not Paris, Texas) I saw an image that was to me the picture of [...]

Women: The Ambassadors of Change

As women, change is second nature. It’s starts in the beginning. Sometimes before we even hit the double digits of age, barely finished playing with dolls, the transformation begins and suddenly why does my chest look different?  Wait, are [...]

Arguing Your Point

I’ve never been on a debating team; my ability to come back with a “zinger” is questionable; and having a soft-spoken voice has probably lost me some points in a heated discussion. Perhaps this is why I write: to get my point across more [...]

Podcast: Wake Up Call – Don’t Be A Heart Attack Statistic

Listen Here: Dr. Jennie Johnson is an experienced cardiac nurse, lifestyle consultant  and author of Wake Up Call 9.1.1. It’s Time to Reduce Your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke. Wake Up Call – Don’t Be A Heart Attack Statistic How [...]

Forget What You Have Lost

Sometimes, our lives can change swiftly. Aside from the death of a loved one, change may actually be a good thing. If you are moving out of a long-term relationship, such as divorce, changing jobs/careers or retiring, dealing with a midlife [...]

Podcast: Persuasive Push vs. Shameless Shove: A New Parenting Paradigm

Listen Here: Siah Fried is a health and nutrition professor at a local community college and author of two books, Tales from Swankville: The Town May Be Fictional But The Problem Is For Real and her latest, Persuasive Push vs. Shameless [...]

The Point Of True Beginning: Your Perfection

Back in the 1880s while living as a sawyer in Yosemite National Park, America’s first ecologist, John Muir, lived face to face with nature. He climbed into the High Sierras throughout his life. He summited mountains, fished in clear streams [...]

Podcast: Why Krill Oil Is Better Than Fish Oil

Listen Here: Dennis Goodman MD, Director of Integrative Medicine at NYU and one of “America’s Top Doctors”, is the author of the upcoming book, The Thrill of Krill: What You Should Know About Krill Oil which outlines all the health [...]