The Lunar Eclipse on Friday, October 18, in the fiery sign of Aries is ready to ignite your spark.
The Lunar Eclipse vibe begins a few days before the 18th and lasts an entire month. So expect that through the third week of November, you’re either: trigger happy, about to incite a riot, are a riot with a new audience, you might clash with fire or metal, you’ll be approached by a spontaneous or childish individual (most likely a woman since this is a Lunar event) OR some part of your psyche will overcome a fear in order to grow. Aries represents fire, metal, the head, blood, spontaneity, brilliant and sudden ideas, and solutions to long-held problems, too.
What does it mean for each of the signs? Let’s take a look…
Aries (Aries Rising Sign)-Okay, don’t overdo anything or over react to your own synapses because you could take it all the wrong way. Please be careful driving or working out or working with or near metal (weights, garden tools, kitchen gadgets). You might not be able to sleep through November! There’s something in your psyche that says, “I’M READY!” But don’t bust a leg, attempting to bust a move. What is ‘suddenly’ for you, is out of left field for others. Take your time when discussing volatile issues or matters of the heart.
Taurus (Taurus Rising Sign)-Some part of your body, mind or spirit is in need of a boost or healing. Who doesn’t need that these days? You get an idea or finally understand why you’ve been circling the drain with a body, mind or spirit issue. This is a great time for counseling or brain entrainment…Theta waves or Binural beats to help you bypass the usual thoughts so you can get to the heart of the matter. Watch for impatience around others.
Gemini (Gem Rising Sign)– A fiery woman in a group situation fans the flame. Okay, maybe YOU are the one with the fan, but in any case, the group is the setting. If you have a rival or a jealous friend then this might be one of those, ‘I’VE HAD IT’ times. Temper. Breathe. Count to 10. Some of you will hear something in a group or with associates that sets you off, but it might be true, so be objective. Find a way to make peace.
Cancer (Cancer Rising Sign)- Okay, either it’s time for some new training at work or an adjustment to HOW you enact business. You might start to plan for retirement, too. And if that means raising your rates now, then there it is. You need to let an Aries type gal show you the WHY and the HOW. If there’s any competition on the job, this is not the time to step on toes. Set the record straight through proper channels…and careful of jet-packed clients who want you to work without a net (or a signed contract)!
Leo (Leo Rising Sign)- If you’re traveling be extra diligent with paperwork and have plenty of snacks on hand just in case you’re stuck somewhere. This eclipse supports you in big ways with contracts and revisiting biz set ups that ultimately work in your favor. If you need to renegotiate a contract or let a client go, then do it. Trust your gut and let signed paperwork takes it’s course. Start planning for vacation now!
Virgo (Virgo Rising Sign)- Mars is in your sign so careful of burning the candle at both ends AND burning your hand in the process. This is a touchy time with possible endings regarding romance, marriage, family ties, pensions, taxes or any monies held jointly with another. It could simply mean that this is the time you put energy on an elder who needs estate planning. Focus on one behavior of yours that leaves you doing all the work. Ready to let that part of you go? Hope so! Then you can have more (money, love, affection, equality) with another.
Libra (Libra Rising Sign)- Eclipse is in the opposite sign to you and that could mean a heart to heart with your spouse, biz partner or intended. Engagement? Divorce? What part of you is feeling so wounded that you have to crank out at the world? Which part of you is possibly not allowing for other people to do their share? Own your behavior, but stop ignoring the lack of boundaries in your world. A gift comes in the form of a truce and then a whole new direction with partnerships!
Scorpio (Scorpio Rising Sign)- Pay close attention to your body, work practices and tying up loose ends at the office. Please wear headgear and are focused while carving the roast. Minor mishaps might be in your future, but you can minimize that with being in the now. Which brings us back to your body and mind. Whatever distractions loom, you can bet they show you how scattered or overdone you might feel during the eclipse phase. Slow down. Put your thoughts on a new diet and exercise plan. Then slowwwwly…step by step…begin again.
Sagittarius (Sag Rising Sign)- Ooh, la la. If you thought it was over, nope. Even Suzanne Somers has it going on (okay, yeah, hormones help but still) if the spirit moves you to create, go for it. Some of you rekindle that old flame. Some start families. Some solve long-standing issues. Some simply revel in the grandkids or the idea of good book and a rainy day. This eclipse supports you in sparking the creative side of you. Polka dot wall paper? Okay by me. (At least until the next lunar eclipse!)
Capricorn (Cap Rising Sign)- Your mom, grandma, aunt or sister might need you more now. Once you care for her…look in the mirror and release a part of you that’s been emulating one of those feisty gals. Whatever temper tantrum or negative chant you heard from ‘her’ growing up has somehow become part of your psyche’s mantra. Time to let go of any victimization that says you’re not enough. Redecorate something in your work space and feel at home in your body, in your home, in your life. This is it…no rehearsals here. Live it the way you choose. Act as if.
Aquarius (Aquarius Rising Sign)- There’s a whole new world emerging from your speech patterns. The thoughts forming deep inside are healing to let you know that you do matter, that you are unique matter. A fear surfaces that makes you want to bite your nails for having to stand out in the crowd and show ’em your stuff. You don’t think you’re ready? Apparently, they do or they wouldn’t have come calling. Release childish notions and own some talent. Others need to hear what you have to offer.
Pisces (Pisces Rising Sign)- Some part of you has been worried about money for EVER. Okay, stop. Just relax. Get to know what blessings are and start counting them to help you sleep this month. (Through November). You may need to let go of an income source, but you have friends, family, opportunities abound. Value yourself and the world will fall in step. Your money and ‘their’ money is the big topic, but really, it’s about what you truly value. If you focus on the hole in the pocket, it gets bigger. If you focus on the love in your life…(need I say more)? Write a values list and put Gratitude at the top!
Stay tuned for the next post that’s all about the upcoming Mercury in Retrograde on Monday, October 21…head’s up…back up tech stuff now. More in the next post!
Read more posts by Elaine Marolakos Edelson, intuitive channel, empath, astrologer, and energy worker.