Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
The Power of Authentic Branding

Podcast: The Power of Authentic Branding

Entrepreneur Altimese Nichole is the author of Brandticity: The Power of Branding Through Authenticity, where she combines industry knowledge and practical insight for small business owners navigating the complexities of social media. Listen [...]

Go Ahead. Be Like A Kid In A Candy Store. Go For It All!

But how? Isn’t it just too tough out there? Aren’t there just too many competitors? The trick is to not to look.  Don’t see what’s standing in your way.   That’s called a brick wall and will surely stop you from bothering. But see [...]

FAST TRACK Your Way Onto The Biggest Business & Finance TV Shows

Annie Jennings PR is on the hunt for top-level authors and experts who wish to appear in the highest levels of publicity and media opportunities Would be seen on big TV help your career? Would it land you more speaking events or more consulting [...]

Go Ahead, Be Amazing On Talk Radio

Go ahead, share your message with the world. Yes, but how to you get ‘out there’ with the world listening in? That’s what talk radio shows are all about. They have tens of thousands of listeners (some lots more) just hanging on to your [...]

True Story: House Guest Accidentally Reveals Secret Of Success

Do you know why your clients love you? What makes you different from your competitors? You should, or you just might change what is making you successful. Here’s how it happened. I came up with a bright new idea for my home office.  But first, [...]

Podcast: Get Booked On TV Shows In Any City

Listen Here: Annie Jennings of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings Publicity presents an action-packed podcast on the benefits of appearing on TV shows in your local city or in any market in the U.S.. Life-changing podcast!  Want to [...]
When Brands Collide: How To Leverage Your Personal Brand

Podcast: When Brands Collide: How To Leverage Your Personal Brand

Listen Here: Dr. Will Clower is a bestselling author with a personality brand. He is also the CEO of Mediterranean Wellness, a company with its own brand in the corporate wellness space. Dr. Clower talks about the challenges he faces reconciling [...]

Dream Website Designer Says It’s Time For A FAST Makeover

When you look at your website what do you think about? Do you wish it could be different overnight? But suddenly you feel all stressed out? Do you think that redesigning your site would take too long, require too much energy and probably cost [...]

Podcast: Fit Small Business

Listen Here: Michael Heiligenstein manages content marketing for FitSmallBusiness.com, a rapidly growing small business website. Fit Small Business covers a wide range of business topics, from marketing to financing to managing employees. Fit [...]

Podcast: Avoid These SEO Mistakes in 2016

Listen Here: Mallory Whitfield is a Content Analyst at FSC Interactive. Mallory discusses the ever changing world of online marketing and search engine optimization and how businesses can  keep up with the dramatic changes in SEO. Avoid These [...]

Podcast: How to Thrive in the Era of Digital Marketing

Listen Here: Kevin Getch is the Founder and Director of Digital Strategy for Webfor, a creative and digital marketing agency and on the Board of Directors for SEMpdx, a non-profit organization that provides education and networking events [...]

Podcast: Avoid These Simple SEO Mistakes

Listen Here: Jen Van Iderstyne is a Senior Strategist at Overit and has been working in Digital Marketing and SEO for the past decade. Jen shares how to avoid the common, simple mistakes people make when using SEO to market their websites. Avoid [...]

Podcast: Social Media Marketing For Small Business

Listen Here: Dimple Thakkar is the CEO & Impresario of Synhergy Marketing, a multiple award-winning social media agency based in Los Angeles. They’ve won the Small Business of the Year Award from the US Chamber of Commerce and received [...]

Podcast: Publicity for Introverts

Listen Here: Jane Tabachnick is the author of Publicity For Introverts. She has been named one of the top 100 people online by Fast Company for her work as a digital PR strategist who teaches savvy authors and heart centered women entrepreneurs [...]

Build Your Personal Brand On Integrity

Here’s another post detailing my thoughts on one of the success quotes I sent to my career mentor subscribers. It’s from Dwight Eisenhower, Allied Supreme Commander in WWII and former US President… “The supreme quality for leadership [...]

Podcast: Epic Content Marketing

Listen Here: Author, speaker and entrepreneur Joe Pulizzi is the author of the new book “Epic Content Marketing”.  Joe says that nine out of ten marketers use content marketing in some way. The problem?  Just one in three are seeing [...]

Round Up! Real Stories Of Branding Strategies That Worked!

Do they like you, do they really like you? That depends. Do ‘they’ even know who you are, what you do and why you do it better? When you think of Starbucks  . . . quick, what do you think of? Coffee. When you think of Dunkin Donuts? [...]

The Anatomy Of A Successful Brand Slogan

Lessons From The “One Pound Fish” Man. Last month, PSY’s “Gangnam Style” became the most viewed YouTube video of all time. This week, another video wonder is making it to the top of the site’s charts. This time, it’s the unsuspecting [...]

GET CONNECTED: Branding YOU in the World of Business

I’d like to take you back to 1999. This was the year that futurists were predicting that if you didn’t have your business on the Internet that you wouldn’t have a business.  People disagreed. Now think back a few years to 2004 when Facebook [...]

How to Build Your Brand the “Gangnam Style” Way

More than three quarters of a billion people – around 860 million as of this writing – have laid eyes on “Gangnam Style,” the #1 YouTube video sensation. That’s only since its release on July 15, 2012.  That translates to more than [...]

The Power of a Minute

Most people think a minute isn’t enough time to get your point across. My thinking is if you can’t explain it in a minute, it’s not clear to you. Reporters, CEOs and fast-paced executives don’t have time for long-winded explanations. Look [...]

Brand Irresistibility: All It Takes Is Low-Cost Positioning

Brands are everywhere In fact, if you live in a large urban city, it’s estimated that you come across 3,000 brands daily. Hard to believe? Start counting brands from the moment you wake up … from the brand of alarm clock you use, to your [...]