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In this podcast, we speak with with Sheri Arcuria, author of Unzipped, her story of gastric sleeve surgery, losing 160 pounds and taking back control of her life.
What was the turning point for you to decide [...]
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Health Expert, Stacey Chillemi, is author of thenew book, The Complete Herbal Guide Directory: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body and Maintaining Optimal Health Using Herbal Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals, Fruits, Vegetables [...]
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Nutrition and Fitness Expert Dr. Len Lopez is the author of To Burn or Not to Burn – Fat is the Question and creator of the WorkHorse Fitness Trainer….aka…The Portable Pull-up Bar.
The 5 Minute Portable Pull Up Bar Workout
With [...]
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Dr. Carolyn Dean is a health pioneer with over 25 years of experience with aging, nutrition, diet and health issues. She’s authored 30 books including, “The Complete Natural Guide to Women’s Health”, “365 [...]
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Tina Lifford has nearly 20 years experience as a Hollywood actress and is currently best known as Crosby’s mother-in-law on the NBC show Parenthood. In addition to her acting, Tina is CEO of The Inner Fitness Project where she [...]
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Certified wellness coach, Nadya Andreeva, is on a mission to end the bloating and constipation epidemic spreading among women through her new book, Happy Belly: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Vibrant, Light, and Balanced.
Nadya discusses [...]
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Camille Hugh is the bestselling author of The Thigh Gap Hack: The Shortcut to Slimmer, Feminine Thighs Every Woman Secretly Desires which has been featured with Dr. Oz, Cosmo and Spry Magazines. In this podcast, Camille discusses [...]
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In this podcast, JenningsWire talks with Dr. Zach LaBoube (La-Boo), who in his new book, HCG 2.0 – A Modern Adaptation of the Traditional HCG Diet, provides a smarter and safer way to shed those unwanted pounds utilizing [...]
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Janna Lowell is a fitness pro and a featured trainer on Extra, VH1 Celebrity Fit Club, E! TV and more.
She is author of Noodles For Dumbbells – Water Exercise, Weight Management & More. In this podcast Janna discusses fitness [...]
Everybody wants to lose weight or transform into leaner, toned versions of themselves.
Unfortunately, few are willing to work for it. “I’ll do this water diet and lose weight fast!” or “I’ll get liposuction so I [...]
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Fitness and nutrition expert, Marcus McDade, is the owner of MPOWER Expert Fitness & Nutrition in Houston TX. He claims he knows the best way to lose fat. Marcus shares his insight on how to fight obesity and how little things [...]
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Dr. Ramani Durvasula is a licensed clinical psychologist, Professor of Psychology at California State University, and author of You Are WHY You Eat: Change Your Food Attitude, Change Your Life. In this podcast, Dr. Durvasula [...]
Every day someone comes to me with a question about the latest weight loss fad.
Garcinia cambogia, acai, and green coffee extract are just the latest in a long line of hundreds of other supplements people have tried for quick weight loss over [...]
Most people usually have a number in mind that he/she wants to achieve as far as his weight is concerned.
In this age of perception, we can all agree that no matter how much we would like to conceal it; not having the body that you want tends [...]
So, what does unjunking yourself do?
It peels away the crap you’ve surrounded yourself with for months, sometimes YEARS. Layer by layer the lies you’ve been telling yourself and the fat you’ve been trying to protect yourself [...]
I’ve made a decision.
After years of dieting, intermittent exercise and countless amounts of processed, fried and toxic foods crammed down my pie hole, it’s time to replenish my body with what I’ve stripped away through hazardous, [...]
Okay, I’ll admit it:
I’m one of those people who are tempted by those bite-sized Halloween candies that seem to turn up everywhere (or, that I buy myself!)
Hubby loves the candy corn, and I’m partial to anything with chocolate!
Over [...]
Hey that person’s fat too . . . and so is that one!
I’m not nearly THAT big!
I’ve got a ways to go . . .
Screw salad. “I’ll have a cheese burger and fries, please. After the nachos come out, of course.”
That’s [...]
When you have a big chunk . . .
CHUNK CHUNK (Sloth voice from the Goonies – involuntary word association, sorry)
. . . of weight to lose, it looks, feels and sounds IMPOSSIBLE.
Especially when you’ve been there, done that and have [...]
Microfiber couches. Oh how I loathe thee.
The genius who developed this material as a selection for sofas and other furniture designed to be sat on was not fat. Obviously. If they were they never would have condemned big bottomed girls to the [...]
Bad idea.
For about a year and a half, the hubs and I have been slathering ourselves in smoky, tangy, spicy sauces nearly every Wednesday night at this delicious sports bar that just happens to be less than two miles from our place. These cheap, [...]
Diet. Lose Weight. Life. Gain Weight. SHAME.
Sounds so familiar. A story lots of women know. Men too. Weight struggles don’t discriminate.
So here I go again. On my own. Walking down the only road I’ve ever known.
But this time [...]
First, ask yourself a question.
What happens when you reach that goal? Will you go back to your old habits? Stop exercising? Will you resume eating high calorie, high fat, processed foods? Go back to sugar loaded carbonated drinks? You will [...]
Skipping breakfast
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in any weight loss program is to skip breakfast, like sumo wrestlers do. When you skip a meal, your body perceives it as starvation, even though we know you’re probably not literally [...]
When was the last time you felt alive and free?
Chances are, you were engaged with life on your terms, following a dream, participating, contributing, learning, living! It’s at times like these when obsessions with food, weight and body [...]