Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Podcast Opportunity On JenningsWire, HUGE Worldwide Exposure FAST!

Annie’s successful online magazine, JenningsWire.com showcases authors and experts in the JenningsWire Podcast Series*. Hundreds of podcasters have enjoyed professional, promotional interviews with one of the top interviewers in the country [...]

Don’t Be Held Back

Self limitations So many people have limited themselves thinking they’re too old, don’t have the qualifications, didn’t get the right education, came from the wrong family or the wrong side of the tracks, made too many mistakes…I [...]

A Financial Secret, Or The Rule Of 59

The first day of class It is Monday, the first day of school and the eighth grade sociology teacher walks into class and puts his name on the blackboard and next to it the number 59 with a circle around it. He then proceeds to tell his class [...]

Unleash Your Inner Free Spirit

There’s hope for everyone Some people are natural free spirits. They seem to have a knack for going with the flow and rarely get caught swimming up-stream. Unfortunately, I don’t fall into that enviable category. I’m tightly wound, [...]

Being Tenacious In Your Life

Have you accomplished your goals? We’re in September now.  The end of the year is rapidly approaching.  How are you doing with your 2012 goals?  You can still accomplish all of them.  All you have to do is be tenacious. Tenacious people [...]
Wholeness From Brokenness Healing From Heartbreaking Loss

Podcast: Wholeness From Brokenness, Healing From Heartbreaking Loss

Dr. Sherry Cormier is the author of the new book Sweet Sorrow: Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief where she shares through story and example, ways for grief survivors to start over, to manage chaos and stress, and to heal with powerful [...]

Leader Do The Math

Greek mythology There are times when it seems that all forces are against us, regardless of our greatest intent and effort. Like the ancient Greek mythological king Sysyphus, we continue to push our boulder up the hill only to have it roll down [...]

Were You Wrong About Mr. Right?

You’ve met “the guy!” He loves you!  He’s “all you ever wanted!”  He loves your friends!  He loves your family!  They all love him! You are so happy, fulfilled and finally where you always wanted to be!  Suddenly, you sense [...]
What IS an IS NOT Historical Fiction

What IS an IS NOT Historical Fiction

Presently, the trend in popular televisions series and films are plots that make history come alive. For example, the award-winning HBO series Boardwalk Empire focuses on the early 20’s with the rise of the Mobs (Italian, Jewish and Irish) [...]

Aura Colors

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what color am I after all? How you think, or should I say react, has a lot to do with your aura color personality. Whether you realize it or not, you exude an energetic frequency of brilliant light. Call it part of [...]

Romantically Challenged

Hi, my name is Selena, and I am romantically challenged. I am one of those people who has a heavy tome of relationship stories and yet I remain sans boyfriend. My story of romance reads like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure where I keep coming to [...]
Managing Low-Level Ambient Stress

Managing Low-Level Ambient Stress

Our contemporary world seems challenging at the moment. Headlines not only in our country but elsewhere around the globe proclaim conflict and economic distress. There are pressures on the environment, on families, and on businesses. None of [...]

Podcast: Transition From Then to Now To Next

Sonya T. Cruel, the Transition Coach, joins us to discuss her latest release, Transition From Then to Now to Next, where she shares tips and tools to help you navigate life’s transitions gracefully. Whether by choice or circumstance, transition [...]


What is success? Mark Twain said, “The secret of success is to make your vocation your vacation.” With four out of five people “unhappy” in their current jobs, our society doesn’t have enough vacationers. What is success? Many people [...]
Using Astrology To Make Wise Choices

Using Astrology To Make Wise Choices

You can think of astrology as a map. The horoscope wheel is a two-dimensional representation of what was in the sky when you took first breath, and it forms a pattern of energy. Each day, each week, each month, and each year the pattern of the [...]
When Living In A Bubble May Not Be So Bad

When Living In A Bubble May Not Be So Bad

Society nowadays seems very divisive, angry, and stress-inducing. People are quite emotional and passionate about their beliefs. They are also confused or uncertain about many goings-on on the political scene and perhaps in their career and [...]
The New Motherhood Journey

Podcast: The New Motherhood Journey

E. Danielle Butler of EvyDani Books joins us to share her latest devotional, Thoughts & Prayers for the Postpartum Mom.  She translates the “our thoughts and prayers are with you” cliché into action items to help close the [...]

7 Steps To Be Your Best Everyday

The ruler comes out. Certain times during the year we have a tendency to stop and evaluate ourselves. We determine if we have accomplished goals we set, gotten closer to realizing our dreams, become better people, or fulfilled our potential [...]

The Ways You Are Negatively Influencing Your Power And What You Can Do About It

Charisma Busters We’ve all seen it.  Some energetic, mysterious person floats in the room looking like they have the world at their fingertips.   They appear to have that certain “It” Factor! You are intrigued!   But then they open [...]

Use Astrology to Boost Wealth, Health, Passion & Purpose

Astrology defined First things first, let’s talk about what astrology is. This isn’t about beliefs or faith or religion. I’m simply going to define astrology and how you can easily use it in your daily life for maximum effect and opportunity. Astrology [...]
The Power of Authentic Branding

Podcast: The Power of Authentic Branding

Entrepreneur Altimese Nichole is the author of Brandticity: The Power of Branding Through Authenticity, where she combines industry knowledge and practical insight for small business owners navigating the complexities of social media. Listen [...]

Getting Older

Becoming a senior Everyone is younger and thinner than I am, I turned 65 this summer. I couldn’t even say the sentence out loud, couldn’t say the word Medicare in a public space. From a purely linguistic perspective, Medicare had become the [...]

BIG BAD BULLY… The Dream Job Turned Nightmare

You got the job! You took the GMAT three times to get wait-listed and then finally admitted to that high end school for your masters. You have attended the seminars and chased job recruiters at workshops. Your resume was circulated by four different [...]

Let Your Own Power Propel You Across The Finish Line

We all like to win—to cross that finish line—once we’ve put ourselves in a competition. We all like to achieve our goals once we set them. And doing so is, indeed, important no matter if you compete against yourselves or against others. [...]
Overlooked and Ignored: Another Form of Workplace Incivility

Overlooked and Ignored: Another Form of Workplace Incivility

Patrice was a conscientious colleague at her local newspaper. She was ready to pitch in when someone needed to fact check an item. She even offered to do light editing when time permitted. However, her assistant editor, Kyle, didn’t like her [...]
Don’t Let A Bully Rob You Of Good Health

Don’t Let A Bully Rob You Of Good Health

Julius knows he has been bullied since his arrival on the job. While Julius was a stand out during the interview and the search committee liked him, his boss is jealous that he earned his masters at Penn. Julius threw a wonderful party for his [...]
Be The Author Of Your Life Story

Podcast: Be The Author Of Your Life Story

Listen Here: Clinical Psychologist, Karmon Sears Psy.D. says this year has been stressful for many people due to political, social, and economic changes. Some may feel out of control, burned out, fatigued, anxious, depressed, or exhausted. [...]

Your Decisions May Not Be The Problem…They Are Predetermined!

So you understandably ask: Did I hear you right? That my decisions are determined long before I make them? That they may not be the root of my problems? The answer is yes! Shocking? You see, decisions are the result of a process that commences [...]

Inspired Action – Intuitive Intelligence

Being both intuitive and intellectual… I personally love to have my intuition activated by interesting research or ideas that pop-up on my radar. There is a substantial amount of research that demonstrates that many highly successful CEO’s [...]

Go Ahead. Be Like A Kid In A Candy Store. Go For It All!

But how? Isn’t it just too tough out there? Aren’t there just too many competitors? The trick is to not to look.  Don’t see what’s standing in your way.   That’s called a brick wall and will surely stop you from bothering. But see [...]
The Deeper Impact of Trauma

Podcast: The Deeper Impact of Trauma

Listen Here: Cinthia McFeature PhD is the co-author of the upcoming book Integrated Health – HeartPath Practitioner Assessment and Intervention for the Trauma-Exposed Patient – was written to expose the deeper impact of trauma from [...]

Dressing For Success: First Step is to Love Yourself

She walks in like she holds the world in her hands. She is seen with all the right people, has more money than God, has the perfect children, and a DQ husband. The media loves her, we love her. Then one day we are dumbfounded to hear she committed [...]

Crabs In The Basket: It’s Bigger Than You

Crabs in a basket is a combination of urban legend meets YouTube. While there are a few different versions of the story, (one seen on YouTube) there is one I like best. Picture the kitchen of a restaurant. In a backroom is a basket of crabs, [...]

The Passion, Power And Purpose Of Playtime

When was the last time you went out to play? When was the last time you flew a kite, went roller skating, rode your bike through the neighborhood, or challenged a child in your life to a board game?  When was the last time you skipped through [...]

Four Key Elements Of Health

Listen Here: Werner Berger is a Guinness World Records holder for the oldest person to have climbed the seven summits, including Mt. Everest.  After Werner’s Mt. Everest climb at age 69 he interviewed 40+ health experts to incorporate [...]