Todd Thomas, Ph.D
Todd Thomas, Ph.D is an internationally known author, speaker and educator working in the areas of leadership and personal development. Dr. Thomas is also a professor at the DeVos Graduate School of Management at Northwood University in Michigan. His coaching, seminars and speaking have given him the opportunity to work with thousands of leaders in over twenty companies spanning four continents over the last twenty years.
Dr. Thomas' current projects include the All Things Leadership Podcast (found on iTunes or at www.ATLPodcast.com), his weekly leadership blog at www.DrToddThomas.com and a new book series designed to provide strategies and tools to help managers and leaders immediately improve productivity and satisfaction. The first of this series, High Impact Meetings: A Guide for Greater Productivity can be found at www.HighImpactMeetings.com.
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Posts by Todd Thomas, Ph.D:
Leader Do The Math
CEO Resolutions 2014 – Not What You Hear On TV
You’re Good But Could You Be Great?
Hide Not Your Talent

Greek mythology There are times when it seems that all forces are against us, regardless of our greatest intent and effort. Like the ancient Greek mythological king Sysyphus, we continue to push our boulder up the hill [...]

It’s an interesting phenomenon that every year the media tells us that American business is suffering. They tell us that our leadership is lacking and that the coming year will be worse than the one before for our [...]

My 14-year old son Bryce has played basketball for five years and in that time has always been a starter for whatever team he played on. He’s fast, he’s tall and he’s strong for his age so he’s [...]

“Hide not your talent. What good is a sundial in the shade?” Benjamin Franklin When I was an undergraduate I had a friend, Bill Nichols, who was an amazing artist. He was into comic books and as far as I [...]