Dr. Sherry Cormier is the author of the new book Sweet Sorrow: Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief where she shares through story and example, ways for grief survivors to start over, to manage chaos and stress, and to heal with powerful new strategies backed by personal example and science.
Listen Here:
Wholeness From Brokenness, Healing From Heartbreaking Loss
- Who is your new book for and why did you write it?
- What distinguishes those who thrive after difficult losses from those who don’t?
- What are some actionable ways to help a friend, colleague, or family member struggling with grief and heartbreak?
- What were the most surprising discoveries you found in your own bereavement journey and how can these help others?
To learn more about Sherry Cormier and her new book Sweet Sorrow, visit www.sherrycormierauthor.com. Sherry is on Instagram @Cormier1749 and Facebook and Twitter @sweetsorrowbook.
To learn more about tips for healing from grief visit www.sherrycormierauthor.com.
This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR that specializes in providing book promotion services to self-published and traditionally published authors.
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