Mary Shurtleff, FSID, CHT
Mary Shurtleff, author, Feng Shui Designer, Clinical Hypnotherapist, spiritual/ motivational speaker, radio host, Theta Healer, and Six Sensory Practitioner takes energy healing into the 21st century using spiritual applications, behavior modification methods and Feng Shui to create new patterns of behavior, which will help one become more aware of their consciousness, subconscious, and super consciousness mind’s ability.
We are far greater than we are permitted to believe.
Mary publications include a trilogy known as The Connected Be-ing, which encompasses the books: The Alchemy of Quantum Mind Feng Shui (2006), Reconnecting the Spirit: Seeing the Possibilities (2008), and Realm of Spirit (2017). Other current publications include, Prophecies and Predictions: 2017 Year of the Chinese Yin Fire Rooster.
Mary believes diversity in learning is important to keep your mind sharp and your wisdom heightened. When these modalities are applied properly, Mary believes it is as close to magic as one can get. Mary Shurtleff - The Power is Within You.
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Posts by Mary Shurtleff, FSID, CHT:
March Flying Stars and Prophecy
Feng Shui Advice for September 2017
The Rooster is Coming–Prepare Now for Chinese New Year
The 2016 Yang Fire MonKey Book is Here
Blue Moon
Feng Shui Aspects for July 2015
Easy To Do Flying Stars Aspects Blog For June 2015
What Is Going On With All The Plane Crashes!!!
2014: The Thunder Year Of The Stallion
December Feng Shui Aspects
The Winding Down Of The Female Water Snake – What Does The Rest Of The Year Hold?
October And November 2013 Feng Shui Aspects
Have You Been Feeling the Dizzys Lately–Could Be The Female Water Snake
Podcast: How To Sell Your House In One Day Using Feng Shui
Feng Shui Aspects For June And July 2013
Life is Magic – Manifesting Easy
Feng Shui Aspects For May 2013
Podcast: 2013: Female Water Snake Year of Transformation
Feng Shui Aspects For April
Feng Shui – Simply What You Choose
Feng Shui Aspects For March 2013
The Perfect Storm of Rejuvenation: Lantern Festival, the Full Moon, and Mercury Retrograde
The Female Water Snake Arrives, Do Your Preparations
Prepare Now For The Chinese New Year – Year Of Female Water Snake
Female Water Snake 2013: Facing a Year of Transformation
Feng Shui Your Holiday Decor
Ghost Busting and Space Clearing
Positive Mindsets and Lifestyle

March Flying Stars and Prophecy: The world is only adjusting to its new energy, although it feels like there is not enough sage, lavender, and rosemary to cleanse. it. But no worries, there is. This last month of February [...]

ATTENTION: The Feng Shui for September will get gnarly before it gets better!! Be alerted!! The Feng Shui of flying stars numbers line up in doubles this month, so the worst of the worst and the best of the best will [...]

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ROOSTER UP! MONKEY DOWN!! Finally Official!! 2016 Gregorian Calendar year is gone!! It is 2017!! AND with it the Yang Fire Monkey is slowly losing his grip and slipping away, as well. He has definitely [...]

The 2016 Yang Fire Monkey…Year of Changeability and Unpredictability is now available for purchase. The book may be purchased at http://www.maryshurtleff.com, http://www.amazon.com/ or http://www.barnesandnoble.com. This [...]

Your home is an extension of your mind and your thoughts create your home. Does your home support your needs—emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually, and mentally? This monthly Feng Shui aspect feature [...]

Blue Moon—July 31st What does it mean? The Blue Moon is considered the second full moon of a month. They occur infrequently, hence the saying….once in a blue moon. On July 31, 2015 at 4:42 MST, the blue moon will [...]

Intro to the Monthly Aspects: Your home is an extension of your mind and your thoughts create your home. Does your home support your needs—emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually, and mentally? This monthly [...]

EASY TO DO FLYING STARS ASPECTS BLOG FOR YOUR LIFE, HOME, AND BUSINESS Your home is an extension of your mind and your thoughts create your home. Does your home support your needs—emotionally, financially, physically, [...]

Wow, what is going on with all the plane crashes??? As most of you know, I author each year a Chinese Prophecy book. In this year’s book, The Thunder Year of the Stallion, as I lined up the stars I wrote: “Due [...]

This last year of the Water Snake has been quite the ride and the Wood Horse of 2014 will feel like moving from the old Wooden white roller coaster of the past to the state of the art Colossus Roller Coaster of the [...]

Feng Shui Aspects for December Disclaimer: All aspects and predictions of the flying stars are for fun and entertainment purposes only and should not be used in the place of medical care if you should need it. The monthly [...]

As the year 2013 and the Female Water Snake begin slithering in, it became the undoing of many as they were asked to shed their old ways and skin and adopt new ways. Endings and beginnings, death and rebirth are difficult [...]

Feng Shui Aspects for November Disclaimer: All aspects and predictions of the flying stars are for fun and entertainment purposes only and should not be used in the place of medical care if you should need it. The monthly [...]

Do you have the Dizzys this Month–It could be the Female Water Snake Do you have the feeling of head pressure, ringing in the ears, or the ‘Dizzy’s this month? Snake energy is at its highest this [...]

Listen Here: Mary Shurtleff is a Certified Feng Shui Interior Designer who has taught classes at the University of Utah. She is author of several books including The Alchemy of Quantum Mind Feng Shui. Mary shares [...]

Wow, what a whirlwind year this has been for me! The year of transformation is an understatement. I sold my primary home in Utah and I am now living in my RV until September when I will move to my condo in Mesquite. We [...]

Life is magic. This month we are in the luck of the Irish, the Easter Bunny, and Mercury has just gone direct. Why not today, visualize your pot of gold and what the end of your rainbow would look like. Manifesting is [...]

The month of May starts out somewhat stable with the good earth of wealth helping to stabilize the unstable earth energy of the annual star. Put still water and citrine in the middle of your home this month for stabilizing [...]

Mary Shurtleff is the author of the book “2013: Female Water Snake Year of Transformation” which outlines predictions of what this year may have in store for you. Mary is an Eastern 4 pillar astrologist, feng [...]

This month you may continue to feel the changing transition of the year. These last few months I have been hearing of so much dizziness, people passing out, eyes, ears, and nose problems. I have not been surprised. The [...]

So many people ask me each day to explain Feng Shui. Feng Shui is simply what you chose to surround yourself with daily—objects, people and places, and how they make you feel—physically, emotionally, mentally, and [...]

Another month down in the Snake year… Already going too quickly. The Female Snake is already on the move removing the rose glasses we have worn for a lifetime. The energy is vibrating at a higher vibration and [...]

Yikes, this day has snuck upon me! Sunday, February 24th, 2013 symbolizes the end of the Chinese New Year and the beginning of the Chinese Lantern Festival. The Chinese New Year is a celebration that goes from the [...]

On Sunday, February 10th, 2013 we welcome the Female Water Snake and say farewell to the Male Water Dragon. Last year the Water Dragon brought with him yang water energy and the power of an ocean. The ocean it is one [...]

The Year of the Female Water Snake is poised to make her appearance February 10, 2013. The snake is known for shedding it’s skin so be prepared to let go of the old and welcome in the new in 2013. Prepare now by making [...]

Not everything you see is what you see it as. It is only how you see it at the moment. – Milton Erickson ‘Nothing is as it seems’ could possibly be a theme for the new Chinese year of the Female Water [...]

The Holiday seasons are upon us as we prepare to spend time with our families and reflect upon the year and be thankful for all we have–food, shelter, clothing, health, family, or whatever. This holiday season, [...]

Tis’ the season! It is believed that the fall months are the time of the year when the veil between heaven and earth is the thinnest and that the energy of the spirit realm is heightened. Therefore, this time of [...]

Why are you you? Quantum physics tells us that only you can create your own world with its infinite possibilities. This out of the box- Quantum thinking- reaches into your mind through your thoughts and feelings and [...]