Finally Official!! 2016 Gregorian Calendar year is gone!! It is 2017!! AND with it the Yang Fire Monkey is slowly losing his grip and slipping away, as well. He has definitely been a wild ride for many. Myself included!!
That darn monkey of chaos has tried hard to hang on but happily I can finally feel the energy releasing. We may have a few more bumps before he is gone but I already can feel the order and strut of the Rooster marching in. Signs of new communications are already crowing for many. We are hearing of new things each day that are being set in motion to manifest this year. It seems a new dawning of Aquarius with the Rooster’s Crow. There seems to be a new energy of creation in the air.
The Chinese New Year officially begins the first day of spring and arrives this year on January 28th, 2017. However, the transition to the day of spring actually began at the winter solstice around December 21st-December 23rd. The Monkey energy is waning and the Rooster is building.
Between now and January 28th begin to clear out the old energy and set your new year goals in manifestation.
1. Start cleaning and de-cluttering your home and life. Organize. Get rid of all old clothing and old and ends in the home that no longer fit your lifestyle or desire for that lifestyle.
2. If the towels in your cabinet are stale from only using the top ones….wash them all. Stale clothing and towels attract odor and energy of the past years. If washing doesn’t freshen your clothes, it is time to pitch them. Start over. (I used to donate them to charity thrift shops but no longer do so because that degrades the one who gets them. However, I give them to animal shelters for rags or bedding.)
3. Get rid of all outdated items in the home. Food, medication, toiletries, etc. These items take up space and collect dust if not used. Spices and toiletries lose their scent. This clearing also frees up space to allow chi to flow freely.
4. Buy new doormats for your front door. Put the words OH AH HUM on the back in black marker. It helps bring new clear energy into the home.
5. Throw away your old hairbrush and toothbrush. Start the new year with a clean, clear head. These items, which are used each day, collect mega energy and need replaced often for health reasons.
6. Wipe your computer clean of all programs and outdated emails that no longer serves your purpose. This action frees up brain space in your mind and frees up hard drive. The subconscious mind has enough to deal with. Back up any program you may feel you want to re visit in the future.
For more information on what to do to begin the new year out right…… your copy of the 2017 Year of the Chinese Yin Rooster is waiting for you at www.amazon.com or www.maryshurtleff.com. Happy New Year.
JenningsWire.com is an online feature magazine created by National Publicist, Annie Jennings, of the PR Firm specializing in providing publicity services and book promotion to authors, speakers and experts. Annie’s firm offers the famous pay for placement publicity program as well the powerful radio talk show campaign that comes up a guarantee of performance, bookings on big radio talk shows in major cities as well as unlimited media training.