Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

The Bridge of Love in Paris – The Picture of Compromise

I am not a big fan of compromise. Yet I understand its role in our personal and professional lives. I wish compromise meant we did it my way. On a recent visit to Paris, France (not Paris, Texas) I saw an image that was to me the picture of [...]

Choosing Low Self-Esteem: Carrying The Mental Equivalent For Self-defeat

Millions of Americans live their lives with low self-esteem. Teenagers learn it from one or both parents. Others choose it by comparing themselves with movie stars. Many young women mutter to themselves, “I’m not good enough…I’m not [...]

Podcast: Being A Smart Patient

Listen Here: Richard Lang is a retired attorney who calls himself a “professional patient.” Starting when he was 12 years old, he has had over 35 surgeries or invasive procedures He wrote Patient Confidential, Tips And Advice To Keep [...]

Women: The Ambassadors of Change

As women, change is second nature. It’s starts in the beginning. Sometimes before we even hit the double digits of age, barely finished playing with dolls, the transformation begins and suddenly why does my chest look different?  Wait, are [...]

Your Creative Mind: Unpredictable Collision of Thought and Circumstance

How do ideas strike you? When do they hit? Have you heard of the phrase, “Stroke of luck…flash of insight…eureka moment!” Creativity involves anticipation mingled with uncertainty. For the record, ideas grow out of your brain through [...]

Do Not Ignore Your Mental Health Issues And Addictions

From my own experience. As a person who has dealt with fear, anxiety, and stress for over 20 years, the number one thing I learned was to not take my mental health issues for granted and to get help. When I first started dealing with my fear [...]

Arguing Your Point

I’ve never been on a debating team; my ability to come back with a “zinger” is questionable; and having a soft-spoken voice has probably lost me some points in a heated discussion. Perhaps this is why I write: to get my point across more [...]

Podcast: Wake Up Call – Don’t Be A Heart Attack Statistic

Listen Here: Dr. Jennie Johnson is an experienced cardiac nurse, lifestyle consultant  and author of Wake Up Call 9.1.1. It’s Time to Reduce Your Risk for a Heart Attack and Stroke. Wake Up Call – Don’t Be A Heart Attack Statistic How [...]

Find a Safe Place to Dance

In your life, someone cheated you out of something. Another lied to you. Others gossiped about you. At some point, you suffered the loss of a friend, parent or spouse. Someone hammered you on the tennis court, chessboard or the boardroom. A [...]

Forget What You Have Lost

Sometimes, our lives can change swiftly. Aside from the death of a loved one, change may actually be a good thing. If you are moving out of a long-term relationship, such as divorce, changing jobs/careers or retiring, dealing with a midlife [...]

Podcast: Persuasive Push vs. Shameless Shove: A New Parenting Paradigm

Listen Here: Siah Fried is a health and nutrition professor at a local community college and author of two books, Tales from Swankville: The Town May Be Fictional But The Problem Is For Real and her latest, Persuasive Push vs. Shameless [...]

The Point Of True Beginning: Your Perfection

Back in the 1880s while living as a sawyer in Yosemite National Park, America’s first ecologist, John Muir, lived face to face with nature. He climbed into the High Sierras throughout his life. He summited mountains, fished in clear streams [...]

You and Time

Even though it’s bitterly cold and snowy, the calendar tells me we’re already into the thawing season. A third of 2015 is nigh being reached and no doubt you’re wondering where the time went or is going – with or without you. Time is [...]

Podcast: Overcoming Obstacles For Change

Listen Here: Certified Life Coach, Glenda Thomas, is the owner of Integrated Life Coaching. is co-authoring a book with Jim Britt and Jim Lutes entitled The CHANGE. Overcoming Obstacles For Change What is the book The Change to about? Why [...]

A Single Thread In The Tapestry Of Life: Tuscany, Italy

The mystique of bicycle travel fascinates most people. Why would anyone “endure” the pains of providing their own locomotion via pedaling rather than the comfort and speed of a car, boat, plane or train? The answer lies in the antiquity [...]

Podcast: Solutions for Working Moms

Listen Here: Christy Largent is the author of 31 Positive Communication Skills for Women Devotional and host of Encouraging Words for Working Moms podcast where each week she interviews successful working moms to uncover their strategies, [...]

Podcast: Why Krill Oil Is Better Than Fish Oil

Listen Here: Dennis Goodman MD, Director of Integrative Medicine at NYU and one of “America’s Top Doctors”, is the author of the upcoming book, The Thrill of Krill: What You Should Know About Krill Oil which outlines all the health [...]

Podcast: Navigating Life – 8 Simple Strategies

Listen Here: Rachel Heslin is an author, speaker, and life coach. Her current book, Navigating Life: 8 Simple Strategies to Guide Your Way, explores how we can learn to choose from all the possibilities that tug at us every day. Navigating [...]

Podcast: Create Safe Communities

Listen Here: Stephanie Mann is the author of 5 crime prevention books including a teaching binder for community leaders. Since 1976, Stephanie has been a crime and violence prevention consultant working to strengthen families. Create Safe [...]

Illusion of Being Right: High Level Fear Wearing A Mask

We humans make judgments on just about everything that comes into our eyesight. We judge ourselves when we look into the mirror in the morning. We judge our friends by the cars they drive. We judge strangers by the clothes they wear. We judge [...]

Beating the Blizzard Blues

I concede I dreamed of a white Christmas. I will even admit I sang, “Let It Snow, Let It Snow.” Several years ago, before I retired from teaching, the thought of a “snow day” meant a whole day of relaxing, catching up on grades and staying [...]

Becoming Empowered But Still Being Loving

Discussing the ways in which someone becomes more empowered on the spiritual path while increasing the ability to be loving is a subject of some confusion. People tend to equate empowerment with toughness, and love with softness.  Can these [...]

Harriet Anderson: 78 Year Old Ironman Champion

In 2013, Harriet Anderson raced the Ironman Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii. No big deal if you’re 25, full of muscle, pep and vinegar! You can power through the 2.4-mile swim in ocean water. You can jump on your 27-speed carbon bicycle to ram [...]

Feeling Discouraged Early in Another Year – Now What?

Are you failing your New Year’s resolutions? Bored and onto a new trend? Starting another project because the current one isn’t going well? Feeling the let down of early winter? You’re not alone in your disappointment. I’m never sure [...]

Podcast: Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life

Listen Here: Frank Healy is a Life Coach and Licensed Professional Counselor, author of Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life which provides practical tips and exercises to help heal from memories that make you angry, depressed, or anxious, [...]

Podcast: Animals Are Our Best Teachers

Listen Here: Kelly Meister Yetter is the author of Crazy Critter Lady and No Better Medicine. Both books detail her experiences rescuing abused and unwanted animals. Both books also chronicle how caring for animals has helped her heal from [...]

Your Inner Life Elevates Your Outer Life

Back in our college years, my younger brother cut himself shaving one morning. He bled all over the washbasin. Blood ran down his neck and into the drain. He yelled, “Howard, you stupid expletive, expletive and more expletives! How can one [...]

Your Invitation to a Great Life

In recent weeks, my son Trevor quit his well-paying pharmacy tech job in Denver, Colorado for a “room and board” position in a quiet village in the Austrian Alps. He sickened of his role in filling drug prescriptions for people addicted [...]

What We Can Learn from the Super Bowl

Whether you are a sport fan or not, whether you are a Patriot fan or not, we all can learn from Super Bowl 49. For that matter, we can learn from sports in general. On one hand we have heard about sports and their analogy to life, for our whole [...]

Podcast: The Fallacy of the Calorie

Listen Here: Dr. Mike Fenster, cardiologist, professional chef and martial artist. He’s author of The Fallacy of the Calorie: Why the Modern Western Diet Is Killing Us and How to Stop It. The Fallacy of the Calorie What is a calorie and [...]

Podcast: Why We Don’t Feel Well

Listen Here: Michael Galitzer MD has been practicing Anti-Aging and Energy Medicine for the past 28 years.  He is here to tell you how you can attain Outstanding Health, which is the name for his soon to be released book. Why We Don’t [...]

Podcast: Fostering Self-Confidence In Kids

Listen Here: Dr. Frank Sileo is a NJ licensed psychologist and award winning author that will be discussing how to foster self confidence in children. His latest book is Don’t Put Yourself Down In Circus Town: A Story About Self-Confidence.  Fostering [...]

Erik Weihenmayer: Turning Into the Storm of Life

Ray Charles learned to play the piano as he lost his vision during his childhood. In his 70 years, he scaled musical heights beyond the ordinary. Helen Keller, blind, deaf and mute, learned to read and write as she sped toward becoming one of [...]

The Ultimate Buzz

As many people were celebrating the New Year with sparkling champagne or some other way to get “a buzz on,” I was having a personal “buzz machine” implanted in my spine. No, I have not gotten into some New Age technological [...]

Equal Opportunity, NOT!

Laws demand that work places, services, schools and jobs be open and accessible to all people. Laws contain loopholes that drive millions of Americans to forgo opportunities and suffer a prejudice that goes unnoticed – except by those [...]