Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
Times Up! On Harassment In The Workplace

Times Up! On Harassment In The Workplace

Bianca was pleased to get her dream job in sports management. Though being a sports information director meant odd hours and rushed deadlines, she had been working for this career opportunity for years. She even moved two times zones away from [...]

Being Tenacious In Your Life

Have you accomplished your goals? We’re in September now.  The end of the year is rapidly approaching.  How are you doing with your 2012 goals?  You can still accomplish all of them.  All you have to do is be tenacious. Tenacious people [...]


What is success? Mark Twain said, “The secret of success is to make your vocation your vacation.” With four out of five people “unhappy” in their current jobs, our society doesn’t have enough vacationers. What is success? Many people [...]

Your Decisions May Not Be The Problem…They Are Predetermined!

So you understandably ask: Did I hear you right? That my decisions are determined long before I make them? That they may not be the root of my problems? The answer is yes! Shocking? You see, decisions are the result of a process that commences [...]
Vicarious Bullying, Dealing With Multiple Bullies On Staff

Vicarious Bullying, Dealing With Multiple Bullies On Staff

Stanley was in disbelief once again. His boss’s administrative assistant, Karol, burst in his office barking orders. “You know Mr. Thyme wants it this way! He will send this back!” Stanley just stayed still and let Karol get her assault [...]

Lacking Empathy? A Precursor To Bullying

Karen was working frantically to make new employee orientation a success. She doubled checked the breakfast menu, made arrangements for the interpreter when another staff member dropped the ball. Karen even fronted $500 of her own money when [...]
Avoiding Bullies In The Job Search Process

Avoiding Bullies In The Job Search Process

I have had the honor of speaking at the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Leadership Forums this fall. The topic was reflecting on strategies to deal with bullies during career ascension. As we close 2016, and people think of new [...]
Pro Roadmap For Career Motivated Millennials

Podcast: Pro Roadmap For Career Motivated Millennials

Listen Here: Organizational leader, David J Waldron, is author of Hire Train Monitor Motivate: Build an Organization, Team or Career of Distinction in the Transformational Workplace. In this book, David offers powerful yet simple techniques [...]

Know Your Team

You need at least one expert team to help you achieve your goals, and you may need many to reach success. Think about all the teams you have in place now. Your work, doctor’s office, grocery store, coffee shop all function as teams that serve [...]

Four Personal Keys to Kick Off Your Year

It’s easy to kick off your year focusing on the big stuff you want to accomplish. You’ll find plenty of encouragement to make vast goals so you can attain great things, but as a coach I know that making big goals alone usually ends up [...]

What Sports Taught Me about My Business Plan and Yearly Goals

You’ve probably read plenty of headlines hawking that you need to plan your year wisely with success in mind. You’re told to make new resolutions that fix challenges, and you’ve heard the pumped up messages intended to inspire change [...]

Podcast: Increase Team Performance In 4 Simple Steps

Listen Here: Donald Hunter MBA, is the founder of a business coaching and consulting firm that creates solutions for teams to increase performance. As leadership coach, he implements four simple steps to help his clients boost productivity. Increase [...]

Podcast: Working from Home: Disruption or Genius Design?

Listen Here: Rebecca Barth is an entrepreneur, humorist, and author who has worked from home for over 9 years, leading teams, employees, and customers at a distance. She delivers keynotes sharing how igniting passion at work doesn’t look [...]

Podcast: Get Your Organization Unstuck

Listen Here: Peter Boni is an entrepreneur, consultant and author of All Hands On Deck: Navigating your team through crises, getting your organization unstuck and emerging victorious.  His insight has been featured by The Wall Street Journal, [...]

Podcast: Catch Your Dreams Millennials!

Listen Here: Cheya Thousand is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer of The DreamCatcher Firm Inc., a lifestyle consulting firm for millennials. The company’s mission is to empower and educate millennials to think outside the box, [...]

Podcast: Make Way for Millennials

Listen Here: Dr. Joanie Connell is the author of Flying without a Helicopter: How to Prepare Young People for Work and Life.  She runs her own consulting firm called Flexible Work Solutions where she works with companies to onboard new [...]

Podcast: Why Millennials Matter

Listen Here: Joan Kuhl is an international speaker, lead author and editor of the new edition of Peter F Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions: Enduring Wisdom for Young Leaders, and founder of Why Millennials Matter, a Generation [...]

I’m Not Here To Make Friends – Maybe You Should Be

Steve was hired as the new associate vice president of the mid west region. The last four quarters, his division faced declining production and slipping revenue. Investors were concerned; the board was ready to take prisoners. Steve was the [...]

Podcast: Social Media Blueprint For Small Businesses

Listen Here: Michelle McCullough is a serial entrepreneur, a radio show host for Make It Happen (with over 1,000,000 downloads to date), and the managing director of Startup Princess, an international organization for women entrepreneurs.  Michelle [...]

Podcast: How To Be A Successful Thinker

Listen Here: Corey Jahnke is a high-performance coach, speaker and author of The Successful Thinker, a simple story that reveals the 7 Laws Of 21St Century Leadership and the strategies and tactics that Successful Thinkers use to create [...]

Podcast: GET A JOB! 10 Steps to Career Success

Listen Here: Kathleen Brady is a certified career and life management coach, author, and motivational speaker with 25 years of experience helping people identify and integrate their personal and professional goals. She inspires clients to [...]

Passed Over? Speak Up

Tammy, a 52 year old African American woman was a long standing employee of ABC* grocery. She was with the company when those scanners were installed. She knows the inventory and respective vendors.  She has been the leading store manager in [...]

Podcast: Maximum Speed – Pushing The Limit

Listen Here: Joanna Lee Doster is a writer and author whose previously published work includes the interior design book Celebrity Bedroom Retreats and a series of nationally syndicated celebrity profiles that featured legendary sports figures. Her [...]

Podcast: What You Don’t Know About Your Job Search Will Hurt You!

Listen Here: Hank Boyer is the CEO of Boyer Management Group, a Philadelphia-area best practices consulting firm that works with businesses and institutions that want to get the very best out of their people. Since 2011 Hank has authored two [...]

Podcast: Building Global Competence and Your Career

Listen Here: Dr. Ellen McMahon is the Dean of the faculty and degree programs at Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, a private nonprofit graduate school with students at an average age of 40. In this podcast, Dr. McMahon discusses how [...]

How To Hit Those Interview Curveballs Out Of The Park

Job interviews can be stressful. You’re likely to get thrown a few curve balls, so it is best to be prepared.  I read an interesting article in Bloomberg Business Week that mentioned the favorite questions eight senior hiring managers like [...]

Podcast: Winning Gambling Strategy

Listen Here: Have you ever thought about walking out of your current job to pursue a career you’ve always dreamed about? Well, that’s exactly what Greg Elder did when left his job as an insurance salesman to try and support his family as [...]

Podcast: New Hiring Trends

Listen Here: Bradley Richardson is an Executive Recruiter, Best-Selling Author and Career Development Coach who share his perspectives on the hiring trends of 2014 and how job candidates can increase their chances of getting hired. What [...]

RoundUp: What Job Interview Questions Keep You Up At Night?

Is it “what would your former boss say about you?” Or the dreaded “tell me about yourself?” JenningsWire queried real life job candidates, as well as the pros, to find out what oddball questions caught them off guard.  Not [...]

Podcast: Great Work: How To Make A Difference People Love

Listen Here: Most research about success in the workplace studies personality traits, but David Sturt, took a different approach. He studied Great Work itself—under what conditions it happens, and what people are doing when they produce it. His [...]

Can You Create When You’re In The Dumps?

Life seems to demand that creators create no matter what happens to them. But, is this human reality? I mean, can you really be wonderfully imaginative when you’re stuck in a down turn? It could be anything that has you in its grip – lost [...]

The Importance Of Surrounding Yourself With Positive People

I was feeling a little lazy this morning. Last night our friends took Cathy and me to my favorite Mexican Restaurant here in Denver – the Brewery Bar II – to celebrate my birthday. We had a great time, but this morning I was feeling a little [...]

Do The Right Thing

Tweet 62 in my career advice book Success Tweets says, “Your personal brand should be unique to you, but built on integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking.” I saw a great example of this the other day.  I was [...]

How To Climb The Corporate Ladder

In my book Climbing the Corporate Ladder, I list seven steps to creating a successful career inside a large organization. Clarify the purpose and direction for your life and career. Commit to taking personal responsibility for your life and [...]

Podcast: The Real Women’s Movement -The Personal Strength To Be First

Listen Here: Norma Yaeger, who in 1962, was the first woman stockbroker to be registered with and walk the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Prior to this, women were not permitted. She demanded equal pay for equal work and got it; even [...]