You need at least one expert team to help you achieve your goals, and you may need many to reach success.
Think about all the teams you have in place now. Your work, doctor’s office, grocery store, coffee shop all function as teams that serve your needs. How well are they serving you? What changes could you make that would better serve you?
Define your team(s). It’s important to remember that you will need many kinds of people and services to reach your goals. Your team will provide help for your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs. What do you currently have assembled for your team? Identify the goals that you want to achieve and then consider all the types of skills that you need. What talent do you have now and what other abilities will you need from other people?
Who do you need for your team members? Be clear about the type of people you need and the service and role they are to perform for you. Don’t make the mistake of calling on friendship rather than professionalism. Consider all your own and your team member’s strengths and weaknesses and fill in gaps with the appropriate talent.
Give your team a name.
Sometimes the words you use to define your team can be helpful or a hindrance. What word description helps define your team? Here are a few thoughts: squad, band, crew, players, line-up, or club. Call your team something that inspires action. Next think about how you will communicate. Are there any special considerations and what mode is best for open connections? Is your group spread across several time zones? Are their technical restrictions between communication tools and skills? Do members have language barriers?
How do you want your team to function in order to serve you and your goals? Do you want to meet weekly? For what purpose? How will you gather, online or in person? Consider all of your requirements and plan for what you need. Be realistic about what is actually possible, doable and actionable.
What is the meaning and purpose of your team? Write out a simple purpose statement for your team.
Here’s a sample:
- Team a meets once a week online to review and evaluate project x and make adjustments to the plan of action: actionable items.
- Team meets (when/where) for (purpose) followed by (action). The next time you meet see if your team performs as you intended and make any adjustments so it works for you.
- Focus on what makes up your great team.When you know your team, you can achieve your success.
This post is part of a series about how you can create a winning team and fulfill your personal or professional plan for success, inspired by my book Ask Power Questions: A Practical Guide to Help You Get What You Want in Business, Life and Friendship.
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