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Have you ever thought about walking out of your current job to pursue a career you’ve always dreamed about? Well, that’s exactly what Greg Elder did when left his job as an insurance salesman to try and support his family as a professional gambler.
Now, Greg is a noted expert on casino gambling who has written several best-selling books on the industry. His memoir, Gamblers Fight Back, highlights his experiences as a professional gambler and his latest release, A Winning Gambling Strategy…And How To Get It, is a comprehensive guide on how gamblers can increase their chances for success in the casino.
Winning Gambling Strategy
- What’s the biggest lesson you learned from your experiences as a professional gambler?
- What makes your books on gambling unique from other gambling books?
- What’s the #1 reason people lose so much when they gamble in casinos?
- If you could give the average gambler one tip what would it be?
- What is your overall message regarding gambling and the casino industry?
Greg’s newest book, A Winning Gambling Strategy…And How To Get It, which is a comprehensive guide to casino gambling, is set to release in a few weeks. For more information on all his works, you can visit his gambling blog at
This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters!
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