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Most research about success in the workplace studies personality traits, but David Sturt, took a different approach.
He studied Great Work itself—under what conditions it happens, and what people are doing when they produce it.
His New York Times best-selling book, Great Work: Making a Difference People Love, published by McGraw-Hill, is based on the world’s largest-ever study of award-winning work.
Great Work: How To Make A Difference People Love
- What is great work?
- What does your research reveal about what people are doing when they accomplish Great Work?
- What are some tips you offer in the book about how anyone can do great work?
- What are some of the inspiring stories of great work?
- Why is this book so important now?
For more information on David Sturt and to get a sneak peek of his NY Times best seller, Great Work, published by McGraw-Hill, visit
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This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is a special community of bloggers and podcasters that is capturing the heart of America.
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