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In this podcast, we feature matchmaker and CEO of Select Date Society, Amber Artis. She has mastered the art and science of creating meaningful connections and is recognized as the “go-to” [...]
Dr. Sherry Cormier is the author of the new book Sweet Sorrow: Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief where she shares through story and example, ways for grief survivors to start over, to manage chaos and stress, and to heal with powerful [...]
Most people have the whole dating thing wrong.
In this day and age of ADD, fiber optic downloading, express lanes and overnight delivery, people seem to be in such a rush to get to the destination that they overlook the importance of the journey [...]
Hi, my name is Selena, and I am romantically challenged.
I am one of those people who has a heavy tome of relationship stories and yet I remain sans boyfriend. My story of romance reads like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure where I keep coming to [...]
Two of my friends are dating guys who are, as far as I can tell, healthy individuals.
And by healthy I mean attentive, communicative, and available. For both of these women, dating a healthy guy is a 180-degree change from their previous relationships. [...]
Nationally renowned relationship expert, Fran Greene LCSW, is the author of The Secret Rules of Flirting. A self-described 24/7 flirt, Fran will show you that flirting is your passport to meeting new people, finding love and turning boring, [...]
Our thoughts are powerful beams of creation.
They direct our feelings, affect our mood, and attract things we desire or fear.
However, many of us unknowingly focus our attention on thoughts that actually block us from seeing and experiencing [...]
I just realized I’ve been doing the relationship thing all wrong.
You see, lately I’ve been watching a lot of movies—good, bad and, quite frankly, ugly—and to quote Oscar Wilde, “Paradoxically though it may seem, it is none the less [...]
Recently I had drinks with a male friend.
We met at a local bar, he bought the first round and I bought the second, we chatted for a couple of hours, and then I left. When I recounted this to another male friend, he said, “So it was a date!”
This [...]
Never before has the title of this blog been so fitting: Romantically Challenged.
What started as an amusing blog title has turned into an eerily accurate fortunetelling tool. I can’t get a date to save my life, but on the brighter side, I [...]
Reading the Bible from Oneness
When we awaken into states of unconditional oneness, the bible takes on new meanings. Misinterpretations are replaced with understandings born of love. As an animal intuitive this has been bought to my attention [...]
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Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein, also known as Roni, has been providing Life Guidance for over 20 years now, and is dedicated to assisting as many as possible in shifting consciousness from Fear, to Love. She is the author of three books [...]
The world is consistently aiming to push us back into the benevolence.
The stars woo us to remember all we ask is here. The doves sing to our hearts, asking us to hear the grace in each silent second. The winds grab our arms, embrace our backs, [...]
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Linda F. Williams is a Certified Personal and Professional Life Coach, trained psychotherapist, behaviorist, relationship expert and motivational speaker. She founded Whose Apple Dynamic Coaching Services, and authored Whose Apple [...]
Before that loving Valentine’s Day momentum fades away, think of this season as a great time to focus on effective communication with your partner.
So regardless of what else is going on between the two of you, by keeping these essentials [...]
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Pastor Linda Marie Abu-Hamid is the author of Single But Not Alone. She draws on her own experiences as a single mother to share how you can always find support when you have faith, and that strength can help avoid heartache [...]
In 1842 Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote a lengthy poem celebrating young love, and yet only one line has remained vastly known: “In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.”
I would say that many of us agree, but [...]
“If he really loves me, he’ll change.” How many times have you heard a woman in a new romantic relationship utter those words?
With that sentiment she creates an expectation that this new person in her life wants to and will change a part [...]
Snow White discovered her prince, embraced him and kissed him.
Prince Charming swept her off her feet and carried the young maiden to the castle to live happily ever after. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen captured the desperadoes [...]
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Dr. Kate Pola Brooks is the author of the upcoming book Sacred Relationships: Psychology for the Soul. Dr. Brooks is a Forensic Naturopathic Physician assisting people with physical rehabilitation as well as Quantum level Emotional [...]
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Laurina Anderson, MSW, is an International Life and Energy Coach and discusses how what we believe impacts our lives, both positively and negatively, plus how we can use that to our advantage.
The Real Secret of The Law of Attraction
Mindful, [...]
What’s in a name, you may ask?
Well, Juliet (as in Romeo and) believes “that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” because names are a meaningless convention and it’s the person behind the name that counts.
I [...]
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Rosalind Sedacca is a Dating & Relationship Coach and co-author of 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Dating After 40, 50 & Yes, 60! She is co-creator of the Dating Rescue 10 Week eCourse and the Create Your Ideal Relationship [...]
Most couples can name several ways in which they’re opposites: neatness versus sloppiness; extroversion versus introversion; being high-strung versus laid-back preferring city versus country living, etc.
And I’m sure you have something [...]
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Stefan Deutsch is a trained Gestalt Psychotherapist and Founder of The Human Development Company. He is author of the book, I Know You Love Me and You Know I Love You, which is part of his National Campaign to reduce divorce [...]
If your relationship were afire, is it still burning strongly? Flickering? Smoldering? Does it need kindling? A log?
Or has the last spark of it burned out to the point where it’s even too late for more oxygen? After all, your relationship [...]
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Misha Granado MPH, MS, is the founder of and principal consultant for Love Grows: The Relationship Consultants, a boutique firm focused on helping people cultivate healthy relationships and author of It’s Your Season to B.L.O.O.M! [...]
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Aimee DuFresne is the author of the award-winning book, Keep Going: From Grief to Growth who shares her journey of love, loss, living in the moment and the power of perseverance. It’s a wake up to joy and will help you fall back [...]
One of the best ways to think of a relationship on the rocks is to reflect on your expectations for your relationship.
What are they? What is it that you really want from your partner? What could your partner do now that would — from your [...]
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Johanna Carroll is a spiritual counselor, author, TV and radio personality for over 30 years with an international following. Her fourth book, The Lost Art of Loving was inspired after she had two emergency heart surgeries in 2013. Her [...]
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Delaine Moore felt the fear that comes with dating after divorce, but put herself back on the market anyway – and at the end of her first year of dating, wrote the memoir, The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom. Not only has it [...]
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Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver are the co-authors of Sexual Enlightenment: How to Create Lasting Fulfillment in Life, Love and Intimacy. They have assisted more than ten thousand couples and singles in rekindling and [...]
This is a scenario that has happened to me many times:
A male acquaintance casually mentions that he has, say, an extra ticket to some show and wonders if I’d like to check it out with him. I go, we have fun, I drive myself home. The next [...]
George Clooney has a lot of things going for him.
He is a successful actor, a handsome man, and a charismatic philanthropist. What he doesn’t have going for him is his choice of suitable girlfriends. For someone who claims to not want marriage [...]
Every good story, from ancient oral storytelling to modern movies to personal anecdotes of watching someone’s pants fall off on the bus, follows a basic template.
You start with an unhappy Hero in her Ordinary World, you pique her interest [...]