Delaine Moore
Delaine Moore is an author, speaker, Divorce Coach & Therapist, and the fiery voice behind the blog, I Am Divorced Not Her memoir, The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom (Seal Press, 2012), reveals what it’s like for a divorced mom of young children to rediscover her sexuality and to enthusiastically push its boundaries. It is soon to air as a Lifetime Movie (2014).
With a background in cognitive therapy, Delaine also partners with relationship expert Dr. John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, in her counseling and coaching practice. She is a masterful mentor to men and women seeking to shed their married skin, understand the opposite sex, and pursue passion and success in all areas of their lives. Delaine contributes to numerous prestigious publications including Bell Media’s, The Loop, The Huffington Post and
Posts by Delaine Moore:
Podcast: You’re Divorced NOT DEAD!
March 24th, 2014
Listen Here: Delaine Moore felt the fear that comes with dating after divorce, but put herself back on the market anyway – and at the end of her first year of dating, wrote the memoir, The Secret Sex Life of a Single [...]