Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

You Against Yourself: Which Wolf Wins?

At one point in history, President Thomas Jefferson faced a national crisis. He said, “We have a wolf by the ears; he’s too dangerous to keep and he’s even more dangerous if we let him go.” Jefferson also spoke about his own battles [...]

Always Sit Down Wind Of Flowers

Susan Schutz said, “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair.” Years ago, I backpacked in Nepal, Tibet and other parts of Asia. I distinctly remember the peace and quietude of the Himalayas and the stunning beauty of Mount [...]

When Expectations Lead To Happiness

Expectations, outcomes you desire when thinking about some future event, sometimes lead you into a place of joy and success. Other times expectations bring you disappointment and despair. How you experience life depends on the scenario you choose [...]

Your Inner Connection To Others

On first glance, you may assume I’ll be talking about communicating to others via phone, email, texting, writing, video, photos – heck even talking to them – but I have more in mind here. In my happiness research, the prime principle [...]

Happy People Thoughts

Most positive people have a deep belief and understanding that things always change and evolve. They realize that emotions come and go, a bad moment does not mean a bad day.  Tomorrow is a brand new day.  They always remember to have hope [...]

Bucket List, Here I Come!

Recently in one of my latest trips to the doctor the topic of discussion was what was new regarding my cancer. “Karen,” the doctor opened up her conversation, ‘Your cancer has spread to your liver. As it looks you have a few months to [...]

To Every Season

“The Autumn Leaves – drift by my window…” As the leaves turn and the temperature drops, is your autumn half full or half empty? I have found through the years there are those who love the fall colors, brisk walks, Oktoberfests, [...]

Life: Your Highest Performance Of Function

“Life” charges around your body every second of every day until your last breath on Earth. Your red blood cells race through thousands of miles of arteries, capillaries and veins. Everything about you thrives toward performance and function. Blood [...]

Evolving Or Stagnating?

“You can’t wait for inspiration. Sometimes you have to go after it with a club.” ~ Jack London Self-evolution is the ongoing process of change that allows us to recreate and create from our core. We’re powerful creators and continuously [...]

Coming Through The Fire: Your Road Less Traveled

By the time you reach your senior year in high school, it dawns on you that this life offers no easy path. You discovered the only way to succeed academically or athletically: study your butt off and/or practice your sport until your body felt [...]

Hold The Sky: What You Can Do About Personal Grief

During your journey on Earth, you face incredible moments of joy, challenge and discomfort. You never know where those “moments” may originate or for how long. In your life, you may face an accident, loss of a loved one, disintegration of [...]
Do You Spend Time Looking For "Your Thang?"

Do You Spend Time Looking For “Your Thang?”

It’s pretty funny, annoying and brilliant, how often things turn out to be nothing like we thought they would be. So much time is spent wondering what our “thing” is.  I thought long and hard about how would I ever know which [...]
Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe: Confusion To Clarity

Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe: Confusion To Clarity

Confusion dominates American society. Endless choices cause stress, uncertainty and frustration. Americans gobble painkillers, stomach calming pills and sedatives to relax themselves. One look at the local news through the week illustrates bewilderment, [...]
The Gospel of LeBron

The Gospel of LeBron

Ok let’s get something straight. I do not personally know LeBron James, but I live in Northeastern Ohio and have had the pleasure of watching one of the greatest basketball players on the planet. I followed his stellar high school career [...]

Do You Look Forward To Each Day In Your Life?

When we don’t look forward to something, when we simply don’t enjoy it, we are not living in the present moment. It’s like life is rushing past us and we feel we are simply waiting for something more interesting to come along. [...]

I Am Not My Hair

Every beautiful woman seems to be concerned about one thing. Can you guess what that one thing is? No, you may be thinking relationships, work, children, self worth. Yes, she may think bout those things including health. You could say that what [...]

Gossip: The Devil’s Radio

Gossip remains the mainstay of social media, sewing clubs and emails worldwide. Humans love talking about someone else more than the weather. They choose rumor, tattle-tales, speculation and allegation over facts, truth and reality. Gossip may [...]

Should You Love Yourself MORE?

All of us want to be happy, but sometimes we hold ourselves back from that possibility. You know that little voice inside of your head; you know the one I am talking about.  Sometimes we listen even when we shouldn’t.  This little voice [...]

Want To Be Grateful With Your Life Forever?

Have you ever thought that gratitude strengthens your immune system and makes you happy and more optimistic? Rather than focusing on what we don’t have, why not focus on what we do have? When we spend time focusing on our blessings we [...]

Joan Rivers: A #2 Birth Order That Was In Control

We lost Joan Rivers September 4th, 2014 and now we get a chance to see her life in terms of her birth order. Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Comedian are roles she has played. Her birth order influenced them all. Early Years Born [...]

Extricating Yourself From The Dark Night Of The Soul

In today’s world, you face enormous challenges of time, work, family and friends. You face many toils along with trials that rise up in front of you like a blazing attack of dragons. While you endured cliques, politics and different kinds [...]

Suicide From A Metaphysical Point Of View

First, forget sin!  From a metaphysical point of view, there’s no such thing. A person’s choices can be poor, and even evil, but as I’ve written about in discussing karma, the ripple effects of such actions create their own reverberating [...]

What Floor Are You On?

I was participating in a reflections workshop and the instructor brought up the image of a 10-story building for the class to look at. In essence, she explained people can live in the same building but depending on what floor they’re on, the [...]

Judgment: Higher Frequencies Of Human Consciousness

Make your life like a mighty river of love flowing out of your heart. Such consciousness will return with a flood of friends, joy and happiness. While in high school, most of us made judgments of other students. Guys and gals always talked about [...]

Podcast: How A Gardener’s Touch Can Improve Your Life

Listen Here: Leslie Yerkes is an international organizational change consultant, nationally recognized speaker and best-selling author that specializes in using metaphors to frame universal life and work lessons. How A Gardener’s Touch [...]

People You Hang With, Teach You

In high school, I played three sports. I hung with the football jocks, basketball hoopsters and in the spring, track runners. Later in college, I played tennis, racquetball and learned how to scuba dive. Each sport featured different kinds of [...]

The Midlife Sage: From Harley-Davidsons To Hostess Ding Dongs

In a former life, I rode a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, drank gallons of cold beer, ate greasy chicken wings, and made love at noon in a mountain meadow. Now I drive an SUV, sip laxative tea, and snack on protein bars. Passion is pleasurable, [...]

Podcast: What Talents Are In Your Natural Tool Box?

Listen Here: Dr. Fay Maureen Butler is a Pastor, Author, Ministry President and Social Media Strategist for Ministries. Dr. Fay is author of Breadcrumbs: Inspirational Thoughts and Motivational Quotes and will be talking with us today about [...]

Ready To Fight

The pain in my hips was increasing. Walking, sitting and standing became a difficult if not impossible task. The only thing I was able to do was lay on my stomach on my bed. It was from that position I ate my meals and did my work from my laptop [...]

Podcast: THRIVE! Don’t Just Survive

Listen Here: Ali Bierman, who is known as the Queen of Overcoming as she thrives after two Traumatic Brain Injuries ended life as she knew it. In her altered mind-body, she constantly re-invents herself forging her new path in life. Ali shares [...]

Fleeting Pleasures: Manufactured Happiness

Today, you may take a trip to Disney World for the ride of a lifetime. A quick excursion on a Caribbean cruise promises to whisk you away from the world’s troubles. Drug stores offer pills to cure your headaches, insomnia and sexual dysfunction. [...]

Playful Power Of Leaping

If you can’t think of something playful to do – jump! Your impact will be felt somewhere. In one place you’ll push air out and in another vacuum it in. Amazing! Be the creative playful pump. We have a universal impact on the world, the [...]

A Bursting Heart: Dynamic Infusion Of Intentions

Most teens exit high school without a clue as to what path they might follow on their life journey. Most grab a job. Many get married with over half divorcing within ten years. Others rocket into college with their parents’ wallets by their [...]

The Midlife Sage Says: Take The “Midlife Laughter Challenge”

Because women over age 50 want yet another test, I’m offering the “Midlife Laughter Challenge” for those who still believe that life needs a middle-aged chuckle instead of a middle finger. The challenge is to laugh at least [...]

Podcast: The Art Of Being In The Flow

Listen Here: Lama Tantrapa founded the Academy of Qi Dao that became the first and only school in the world offering professional education in Qigong Coaching. He is author of The Art of Being in the Flow. The Art of Being in the Flow What [...]