ll of us want to be happy, but sometimes we hold ourselves back from that possibility.
You know that little voice inside of your head; you know the one I am talking about. Sometimes we listen even when we shouldn’t. This little voice inside of our head can become filled with lots of negativity and we can really start believing what our thoughts are. Before you realize it, all that we seem to pick up are the negative thoughts and think to ourselves that we don’t even deserve to be happy. This is so sad but actually true for most of us.
When I found I was more “in tune with myself” I started to notice a big change in my life. It was very important to me to learn some new habits for thinking positive thoughts and before I knew it, I was soon living a better life and actually starting to see happiness slowly enter my everyday world.
The happier I got, the more I received, day by day.
It was so important to stop criticizing myself. This was not helping me move forward and I recognized it. I slowly began to appreciate the small steps forward I had taken for myself each day. This was a very powerful turning point for me.
As time went on I did not seem to listen to the negative thoughts that filtered in and out of my head. I suppose at this point I was learning to be kind to myself and what a huge difference this made to me. It was a definite “Ah-ha moment.” It was somewhat like having the lights turned on in a very dark space.
I learned that happiness is effortless, we just have to be receptive to what is all around us and surround ourselves with happy people. Meditation taught me to focus on what really matters. The turnaround in my thoughts inside my head made me realize that I am special and so loved, “by me.”
Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.
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