Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Arguing Your Point

I’ve never been on a debating team; my ability to come back with a “zinger” is questionable; and having a soft-spoken voice has probably lost me some points in a heated discussion. Perhaps this is why I write: to get my point across more [...]

Find a Safe Place to Dance

In your life, someone cheated you out of something. Another lied to you. Others gossiped about you. At some point, you suffered the loss of a friend, parent or spouse. Someone hammered you on the tennis court, chessboard or the boardroom. A [...]

Podcast: A Blind Man’s Guide To Success

Listen Here: Born into a family of carnival owners in Texas, Maxwell Ivey lost his sight at age 12. Having a natural gusto for life, Max graduated college and became heavily involved in the Eagle Scouts. He also worked in the family business [...]

Forget What You Have Lost

Sometimes, our lives can change swiftly. Aside from the death of a loved one, change may actually be a good thing. If you are moving out of a long-term relationship, such as divorce, changing jobs/careers or retiring, dealing with a midlife [...]

The Point Of True Beginning: Your Perfection

Back in the 1880s while living as a sawyer in Yosemite National Park, America’s first ecologist, John Muir, lived face to face with nature. He climbed into the High Sierras throughout his life. He summited mountains, fished in clear streams [...]

You and Time

Even though it’s bitterly cold and snowy, the calendar tells me we’re already into the thawing season. A third of 2015 is nigh being reached and no doubt you’re wondering where the time went or is going – with or without you. Time is [...]

Podcast: Overcoming Obstacles For Change

Listen Here: Certified Life Coach, Glenda Thomas, is the owner of Integrated Life Coaching. is co-authoring a book with Jim Britt and Jim Lutes entitled The CHANGE. Overcoming Obstacles For Change What is the book The Change to about? Why [...]

A Single Thread In The Tapestry Of Life: Tuscany, Italy

The mystique of bicycle travel fascinates most people. Why would anyone “endure” the pains of providing their own locomotion via pedaling rather than the comfort and speed of a car, boat, plane or train? The answer lies in the antiquity [...]

Illusion of Being Right: High Level Fear Wearing A Mask

We humans make judgments on just about everything that comes into our eyesight. We judge ourselves when we look into the mirror in the morning. We judge our friends by the cars they drive. We judge strangers by the clothes they wear. We judge [...]

Harriet Anderson: 78 Year Old Ironman Champion

In 2013, Harriet Anderson raced the Ironman Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii. No big deal if you’re 25, full of muscle, pep and vinegar! You can power through the 2.4-mile swim in ocean water. You can jump on your 27-speed carbon bicycle to ram [...]

Feeling Discouraged Early in Another Year – Now What?

Are you failing your New Year’s resolutions? Bored and onto a new trend? Starting another project because the current one isn’t going well? Feeling the let down of early winter? You’re not alone in your disappointment. I’m never sure [...]

A Simple Thank You Will Do

Just because you’re an adult, mature and wise, it doesn’t mean you should take this wonderful life for granted. When something great happens to you, how do you show your appreciation? Do you just ignore it or do you make an effort to be [...]

Podcast: Animals Are Our Best Teachers

Listen Here: Kelly Meister Yetter is the author of Crazy Critter Lady and No Better Medicine. Both books detail her experiences rescuing abused and unwanted animals. Both books also chronicle how caring for animals has helped her heal from [...]

Podcast: Secrets to the Feminine Art of a Beautiful Life

Listen Here: Debra Brown Gordy MS MRET is a Women’s Spiritual Empowerment Mentor and founder of The Sophia Women’s Institute where she works with accomplished female professionals who hunger for more love and fulfillment, who want to [...]

Podcast: Going Gypsy! From Empty Nest To No Nest At All

Listen Here: David and Veronica James are authors of Going Gypsy: One Couple’s Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All, a warm, funny memoir about their decision to sell the nest, hit the highway and look at this phase of life [...]

Your Subconscious Mind Works 24/7: Harness It

Have you ever wondered where songwriters, poets, sculptors and artists come up with new ideas? How do inventors create concepts that morph into Smart Phones, miniature drones and ocean liners? Who dreams up a screenplay for a movie or the design [...]

Erik Weihenmayer: Turning Into the Storm of Life

Ray Charles learned to play the piano as he lost his vision during his childhood. In his 70 years, he scaled musical heights beyond the ordinary. Helen Keller, blind, deaf and mute, learned to read and write as she sped toward becoming one of [...]

The Ultimate Buzz

As many people were celebrating the New Year with sparkling champagne or some other way to get “a buzz on,” I was having a personal “buzz machine” implanted in my spine. No, I have not gotten into some New Age technological [...]

Equal Opportunity, NOT!

Laws demand that work places, services, schools and jobs be open and accessible to all people. Laws contain loopholes that drive millions of Americans to forgo opportunities and suffer a prejudice that goes unnoticed – except by those [...]

Podcast: This Is What Happens When A Comic Goes On 500 Dates

Listen Here: Mark Miller was a self proclaimed, veritable, virginal social and dating outcast that became a nationally syndicated dating columnist for the LA Times Syndicate, Huffington Post and countless other media, as well as a writer producer [...]

You Can Do That: The Key to Your Life’s Successful Path

Have you ever faced a situation that caused you to question yourself? Did you confront a teacher that you disliked or a fellow student who badgered you? Have you dwelt with co-workers that made you tear your hair out? Welcome to the human race! [...]

Crossing the Bridge into 2015

Quick as a wink, Christmas faded into our rear view mirrors. Up ahead, a brand spanking New Year 2015 awaits! New possibilities! Fresh ideas! A new set of 365 days to accomplish something marvelous in your life. What actions will you take in [...]

What Goes in Our 2015 Time Capsule?

What were Paul Revere and Sam Adams thinking 220 years ago when they packed a time capsule that would sit beneath the new Massachusetts State House? What clues about their state of mind should we take away from the newspapers, coins and other [...]

The Best-Laid Plans

Winston Churchill once said words to the effect, “Make good plans and then forget about them once you’re in the thick of things.” The New Year is often the time for making plans based on the goals we’ve set – goals that originate from [...]

Unleash The Daring Dance Within You

Sometimes in life, no matter your stature, success, sartorial dress, rich or modest home, friends and magnificent job—you may come to a point of getting down on yourself. If you live by modest means or in poverty, you may come to the conclusion [...]

A Little Empathy For The Holidays

Our workplaces, public places and even entertainment places are almost under constant siege from frustration, anxiety and the resulting violence against each other. Whether such violence results in micro inequities, little slick comments which [...]

The Greatest Gift Of All

Everyone wants to give meaningful gifts, no matter what the occasion. There is only gift that tops all others for time eternal. Interesting, don’t you think, that people usually buy or make things – physical, material things? Things [...]

Societal Exhaustion In Our High Speed World: Slow It Down

You live in a high speed, high stress society. Everything ramps you up to meet deadlines, reach class on time and excel at work. You face texting, emails and Smart Phone recordings. If you’re a parent, you must take the kids to soccer practice, [...]

Is The Philosophy Of Sales The Same Wherever You Go?

The dilapidated sidewalks of the old city of Puerto Vallarta talked to me every day. Every day I would walk the two miles along the beachfront Malacan, the home of time share and tequila vendors alike. Truly those sidewalks came alive with the [...]

Ever want to “GIVE” to yourself?

Why not seize all the small daily occasions and make the day special for someone else? If you do, you will give to yourself. Once you have enough to meet your needs, you will find extra money and time do not increase your happiness.  It’s [...]

Attune To Your Heart, Mind And Body: Gift Of Appreciation

While growing up, you faced many challenges. You tackled schoolbooks that demanded your attention to gain knowledge. Your teachers busted your butt with homework assignments. Your parents piled on chores such as mowing the lawn, washing the [...]

Podcast: Unwrap Your Greatest Gift In Life

Listen Here: Tiffany Mason is an international life and relationship coach, speaker and author. She is the founder of Mason Coaching and Consulting, a lifestyle coaching firm where she empowers women to design a meaningful life and marriage. [...]

Podcast: Take The Plunge & Re-Invent Yourself!

Listen Here: Victoria Hargis is an expert in life transitioning.  At age 30 she became a widow and learned her youngest child had a terminal illness, ultimately passing away when he was 13. Victoria then spiraled into a deeper level of grief [...]

How Do You Define Thanks?

Gratitude in action starts with feeling your own thankfulness then encourages you to put it in action. The following is one perspective on giving thanks and what you can do to keep it in motion. T is for Time– Be thankful for time. Having [...]

A ‘Center For Happiness’

Listening to “Happiness Princess” Laura Lavigne feels like participating in an Easter egg hunt. You never know where you might discover the next treasure. You cannot imagine what you might find. She “eggs” you on toward your own riches [...]