Winston Churchill once said words to the effect, “Make good plans and then forget about them once you’re in the thick of things.”
The New Year is often the time for making plans based on the goals we’ve set – goals that originate from how we feel about ourselves in January coming off of the holiday season.
Chances are the emotions you are carrying at this time are not fun ones. It’s likely a mixed bag of guilt, regret, even anxiety over what you did and didn’t do over the last year. Ironically, the holidays with their particularly distracting, shiny objects manage to mask these emotions over two or so weeks giving you a temporary reprieve from reality. Because December underscores the wonderful things of life, once the calendar is flipped to January 1, you feel life’s sting of ordinariness and blandness even more keenly.
The action of planning is a deliberate way of making yourself look forward, of literally moving from a state of internal inertia to one of pro-active thinking.
Once the latter is initiated, then a process of implementation – action steps – will follow. If the steps are continuous and repeated, then completion of the desired outcome occurs. This logical process describes what are the “the best laid plans”.
However, as you and I know plans we make are often sidetracked by life – as unpredictable as it is. Yes, it is important to have personal objectives to overcome the aftermath of holiday fever but it is just as important to support your goals by being flexible while staying with your intention and dispensing with great expectations. Having intention fulfilled without needing to know the “how” of it, keeps morale up and disappointment in self and others at a minimum.
So make plans. State, focus on and maintain good intentions for 2015. Then forget about your plans and let life shape the flow of your intentions and how they will come to fruition for you.
For more posts by Kita Szpak please visit here.
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