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The Greatest Gift Of All

The Greastest Gift Of AllEveryone wants to give meaningful gifts, no matter what the occasion.

There is only gift that tops all others for time eternal.

Interesting, don’t you think, that people usually buy or make things – physical, material things? Things have a limited lifespan both in longevity of the items and in the meaning and purpose they hold for both the giver and the receiver – in the moment.

What, then, is the greatest gift of all?

You – in all your glory.

What the heck am I talking about?

When you become the best person you can be, when you wake up every morning grateful and happy and bounce out of bed because you can’t wait to enjoy another magnificent day – regardless of what  the day holds – that is the feeling of loving yourself first.

Loving yourself first is not selfish. Loving yourself first is mandatory. Here’s why.

When you do not take care of yourself, when you fulfill everybody else’s desires, when you serve others but fail to do what you  want to do that makes you feel good – the activities that make you happy and  healthy – well, you  become resentful of those whom you really do love, who take, take, take without giving back to you. You know who I mean – your family and friends and colleagues who take you for granted.

Ah, but when you fuel your body and your spirit – then  you love doing for others because you have the energy as well as the desire to be there for others – because you are then whole and vital.

Frankly, I cannot count the number of times I explained that very essential piece of happiness and health to my friends, my family, and my clients who spend all their time and energy serving their families or their jobs – and that includes those who are self-employed and spend way more time working than they ever would if they worked a 9-5 job for someone else.

You see, those friends and clients were losing their health, and in far too many cases, their lives. I am talking specifically about the far too many women I knew who died of breast cancer or some female cancer – women whose birthing and nourishing roles and organs fed everyone but themselves.

My question to each of you who currently puts everybody ahead of you is, what does your family/boss do if you get sick or die? Do you really think they will stop functioning?

Please take care of YOU first and teach others they can do more for themselves and also do something for you to lighten your load as well as feed your spirit.

Do what?

What if you spend 20 minutes each day doing something you love–which may mean doing nothing at all? What if you spend time meditating, or exercising, or going for a walk? What if you took time to be with a friend – just be?

When you love yourself first your energy and frequency is so high that love oozes from your every pore. People love being around you . You do not need to do or say anything. Just by being with you, others feel good.

You know what? People do what you do, not what you say. And that fact does not just apply to  your children but also to your friends and colleagues.

Being the best you possible leads to your happiness, better health, more fulfilling relationships and more successful careers – in the home or outside the home.

The best gift you can give to others is the best gift you can give yourself.

For more posts by Ali Bierman, click here.


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