When was the last time you felt alive and free?
Chances are, you were engaged with life on your terms, following a dream, participating, contributing, learning, living! It’s at times like these when obsessions with food, weight and body image take a back seat.
But many of us have it all backwards. We wait until we are thin enough (and feel worthy enough) to go after our dreams. Here’s what most people don’t realize: Putting off your dreams can be keeping you stuck with your weight!
Here’s my own example…
For a long time I had the desire to play the drums! Over the past several years, every time a good song came on the radio, I was moved to “play along” as though I were drumming. I even wrote “take drum lessons” on my wish list of things to do on my office white board.
But…I kept putting it off. Oh, I talked about it a lot! “I’d love to take drum lessons!” I’d say to my hubby frequently, especially when he was driving and I could drum along to the radio in the passenger seat. But I couldn’t bring myself to schedule a lesson.
And every time I saw the note “take drum lessons” there on my wall, my heart sank a little bit. I was disappointed in myself. And I was also a little embarrassed because I figured most people who take drum lessons are probably 30 years younger than me!
Nonetheless, I still had the dream of playing the drums…someday
As fate would have it, one day, I opened the local newspaper, and there it was: “Drum Lessons by Katin. All ages.” Right then and there I called the number and set up my very first drum lesson for the following day!
(I did warn Katin that I was probably as old as his mom!)
The lesson was fabulous! Katin (yep — probably just old enough to vote) was a great teacher and said I picked it up really fast. After the lesson, I had a grin so huge that I probably burned through hundreds of calories simply because of sheer joy!
I felt so proud of myself for doing something I had wanted to do for so long. The other great side effect is that when I need a break from writing, I practice my “drums” (well, the sofa cushions that is!) instead of going into the kitchen for a snack to distract myself. If I had waited until I was thinner, until I had more time, until I had more confidence, until, until, until…I might still be here with the shadow of “take drum lessons” looming on my white board.
What are you holding back from doing?
Here is the truth: When you are engaged in life, really living — not holding back or holding in or putting it off — your weight begins to normalize, almost magically! Those excess pounds start to melt away as if they had no reason being there in the first place. I don’t have a scientific reason for this: I just know that it works.
I believe it’s in part because of less stress (which produces hormones that keep weight on) — but the more powerful reason is because the soul is now soaring free! When you live your life in alignment with your soul, EVERYTHING else begins to fall into place.
What is it your soul is urging you to do, to be, to seek?
The time is now. Trust yourself and trust life – and while you’re at it, drum along to your favorite song!