Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Tina Lifford

Tina Lifford, currently best known as Crosby’s mother-in-law on the NBC show Parenthood, manages a multi-faceted career as an Actress, Playwright, Author, and CEO of The Inner Fitness Projectä-- a movement focused on inner health and well-being practices. As playwright Tina merged her passion for acting with her passion for inner fitness and wrote “The Circle” – a raw uplifting story of how seven diverse women navigate the choppy waters of life together. Her book, "The Little Book of BIG LIES” is a compilation of 14 stories about real people who navigate fear and limitation using inner fitness techniques. Tina has starred opposite icons Clint Eastwood and Bruce Willis, and has guest starred in more than 90 television shows. You can visit her website at http://www.theinnerfitnessproject.com.

Posts by Tina Lifford:

  • Podcast: What Is Inner Fitness?

  • April 17th, 2014
    Listen Here: Tina Lifford has nearly 20 years experience as a Hollywood actress and is currently best known as Crosby’s mother-in-law on the NBC show Parenthood. In addition to her acting, Tina is CEO of The Inner [...]