Mystery Meat
An anonymous weight loss blob. I mean blog . . .
Hey, fat problems are nothing new to me. Or to lots of other people.
I’ve been everywhere from athletic to voluptuous to blob-like. And back. Twice. My story isn’t unique. This time however, I bet the ending is. That’s why I want it on paper. Well, you know what I mean.
I want to preserve my story. Hope you can relate!
Posts by Mystery Meat:
Flushed Out & Fabulous!
November 21st, 2012
So, what does unjunking yourself do?
It peels away the crap you’ve surrounded yourself with for months, sometimes YEARS. Layer by layer the lies you’ve been telling yourself and the fat you’ve been [...]
Un-junking Myself
November 9th, 2012
I’ve made a decision.
After years of dieting, intermittent exercise and countless amounts of processed, fried and toxic foods crammed down my pie hole, it’s time to replenish my body with what I’ve [...]
Rationalization Nation
October 24th, 2012
Hey that person’s fat too . . . and so is that one!
I’m not nearly THAT big!
I’ve got a ways to go . . .
Screw salad. “I’ll have a cheese burger and fries, please. After the nachos come [...]
October 19th, 2012
When you have a big chunk . . .
CHUNK CHUNK (Sloth voice from the Goonies – involuntary word association, sorry)
. . . of weight to lose, it looks, feels and sounds IMPOSSIBLE.
Especially when you’ve been [...]
The Dreaded Butt Print…
October 18th, 2012
Microfiber couches. Oh how I loathe thee.
The genius who developed this material as a selection for sofas and other furniture designed to be sat on was not fat. Obviously. If they were they never would have condemned [...]
Trying To Wing WING NIGHT . . .
October 17th, 2012
Bad idea.
For about a year and a half, the hubs and I have been slathering ourselves in smoky, tangy, spicy sauces nearly every Wednesday night at this delicious sports bar that just happens to be less than two miles [...]
Here We Go Again For The Last Time…
October 16th, 2012
Diet. Lose Weight. Life. Gain Weight. SHAME.
Sounds so familiar. A story lots of women know. Men too. Weight struggles don’t discriminate.
So here I go again. On my own. Walking down the only road I’ve [...]