Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

The Passion, Power And Purpose Of Playtime

When was the last time you went out to play? When was the last time you flew a kite, went roller skating, rode your bike through the neighborhood, or challenged a child in your life to a board game?  When was the last time you skipped through [...]
Thank and Grow Rich

Podcast: Thank and Grow Rich

Listen Here: Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including the international bestseller E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments to Prove your Thoughts Create Your Reality, and her latest Thank and Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment in Shameless [...]

The Greatest Gift Of All

Everyone wants to give meaningful gifts, no matter what the occasion. There is only gift that tops all others for time eternal. Interesting, don’t you think, that people usually buy or make things – physical, material things? Things [...]

Attune To Your Heart, Mind And Body: Gift Of Appreciation

While growing up, you faced many challenges. You tackled schoolbooks that demanded your attention to gain knowledge. Your teachers busted your butt with homework assignments. Your parents piled on chores such as mowing the lawn, washing the [...]

A ‘Center For Happiness’

Listening to “Happiness Princess” Laura Lavigne feels like participating in an Easter egg hunt. You never know where you might discover the next treasure. You cannot imagine what you might find. She “eggs” you on toward your own riches [...]

Is Your Life Stuck In A Rut?

We have all been there and it is very upsetting, sometimes making the situations more difficult than they appear to be. The uncertainly of it all becomes overwhelming and over time paralyzing.  Ever feel the frustration, the sadness that usually [...]

How Can You Make Your Life Shine?

Simplifying our lives can be hard because it forces us to own our values and shape our lives around them. What makes you a real treasure around other people?  What do you do that lights up your inside?  Ask a friend; their insight could be [...]

Am I Allowed To Feel Joy?

Interesting question, isn’t it? You’d be surprised at how many people would answer “Why yes, of course we deserve to feel joy all the time!”, but do not walk their talk. We live in a culture that is infatuated with planning for the future, [...]

Have You Ever Been “Tickled” At Your Own Life?

How many times during the course of the day do you catch yourself actually laughing? Laughing is  very good for your overall health and attitude. It releases a lot of emotions, helps you to visibility relax and recharges the soul and on top [...]

How Do You Find JOY In Your Life?

Joy is a feeling that is so exquisite you don’t know how to contain yourself. You begin to feel it so deep within you and it feels so in tune with the present moment. If you let yourself dream, slowly the joy will begin and a new hope [...]

How Do You Put JOY Into Your Life?

Happiness is not something you buy at the mall. This comes from within yourself. What dreams, desires, feelings or needs of your own have you pushed aside for others? You own your life and as you travel down your pathway you can make choices. The [...]

Does Praying Help?

Most of us have done a major plea to the Universe when we’re in an extreme situation. “God, help me! I’ve lost control of the car, make me safe, make me safe…” sweating out the seconds until you are finally stopped, shaking and [...]

How To Find The Key To Your Happiness!

Could it be, that the key to happiness is to focus less on making moments last and more on making moments count? Just a few tips on finding  your keys to happiness because we all know that our keys go missing from time to time: Try not to [...]

Podcast: Learning To Follow The Joy

Listen Here: Welcome to the JenningsWire online magazine podcast series where we feature interviews with top authors and experts. Jason Kurtz is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City, who specializes in the synergy between [...]

What Does Gratitude Mean To You?

Ever thought about the power of gratitude, seriously? We should be thankful for all that we have. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough to be happy. For years, I thought and read about gratitude but never [...]

My “Four Weddings And A Funeral”

Sometimes life loads you up with a flurry of events so packed together and so important to you that you can barely stop for a breath lest you miss the “this is life” intensity of it all. This weekend I’m attending my daughter-in-law’s [...]

Ready To Give Up Some Things & See Your Happiness Explode?

All of us seem to hang onto so many things that cause us pain, stress and much soul-searching. We need to let some things go – throw away old habits and allow ourselves to be truly happy. Ready to go? Give up your need to always be right.  [...]

30 Second Cure When You Just Feel Like Screaming!

How many times a day do you just feel like screaming? Most of us lead frantic, chaotic, stressful lives. Whether you have young children hanging on your bathrobe, you face a daily grind of a workload, or you travel for a living, we all feel [...]

Life’s Too Short

The diagnosis of my cancer hit hard. The blow it created that disrupted my life flowed into the lives of my husband, daughter, grandchildren, and many more around me. For weeks after we got the news every time my husband and I walked by each [...]

Put Worry to Work: 3 Steps To Be Worry Free

Something is not right, so you start to worry. You have heard rumors of downsizing at your job. Worry sets in. A relationship folds, you worry that you will not find another partner. The doctor calls and asks you to stop by her office, worry [...]

Make Your Way Down Your Path!

Do not simply walk blindly along the path you are on. Take a moment to pause and examine with discretion and with love where the path will lead and all the choices you have made in life to get there. If you are brave and inspired by your inner [...]

The Endless Pursuit Of Happiness

Everyone seems to be on a quest for happiness. We all just want to be happy. What does that mean exactly, and how do we get there? What is happiness? Victor Frankl said “happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the [...]