Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Elder Abuse: The Quiet Victims Of Bullying!

Last night I did a talk on bullying for an audience of people at a local library and started out asserting the same motto that I use for discussing addictions as being applicable to bullying. Bullying does not discriminate, rather people do! [...]

Podcast: Get It Together Girl

Listen Here: Karyn Beach is the host of the Get It Together Girl Podcast, where she celebrates women in their Fabulous 40s, Feisty 50s and encourages them to make their second act their best act. Get It Together Girl What is the Second [...]

The Midlife Sage Says: Water the Artificial Flowers

This week I visited Mom at her care facility, and we enjoyed a bland, soft-food lunch in the pleasant dining room. During the meal she dumped her water glass into the vase of plastic flowers on the table, explaining that the blossoms lasted [...]

How Can I Be 50, When I Still Feel 25?

Where did the years go? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was considered the youngster in the crowd?  Somehow the years kept creeping along and now I have a 30-year-old daughter who looks at me as if I’m an old fogey. I tell her that [...]

Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Speak At Your Own Risk!

As a baby boomer, I cannot count the number of times that I’ve used 20th Century vernacular to describe a thing or a situation that has caused deep frowns on the face of my Generation “X” daughter. One Tuesday night, we girls [...]

Thoughts On A Milestone Birthday

Don’t panic; you haven’t missed my birthday. It’s still two months away so there is plenty of time to shop. But it’s a milestone number (if anyone asks, I’m 50) and my husband is retiring in a couple of weeks so I am feeling reflective. I’m [...]

The Midlife Sage Says: Colonoscopies Redefine The Term “Old Farts”

The good news: I lost several pounds in 24 hours. The bad news: a stranger inserted a camera at least a mile up my fanny and then she charged me $1,500 for the privilege. But the procedure known as a colonoscopy could save my life. Because I [...]

How I Manage My Fear Of Death & Getting Older

I sometimes wonder what will happen to me when I get older. My biggest fear is aging and what may happen to me as my health starts to go downhill.  Here is a list of techniques I use to help manage the fear and anxiety that comes along with [...]

Optimizing Sleep, Optimizing Health

We are experiencing a national epidemic of sleep deprived women. There are 60 million prescriptions for sleeping pills given out each year – up from 47 million in 2008 – and most of them are for women. Sleeping pills help you fall asleep [...]

3 Easy Ways To De-Age

A lot of people say that “true beauty is on the inside.” For the most part, I agree with them. However, as a scientist and board-certified gynecologist, I know that how old someone looks – regardless of their actual age – offers insight [...]