Claire Butler
Claire Butler is a writer and a fine artist. Writing, for her, is as essential as breathing. While studying the art of screenwriting, Claire sat on the Board of Directors for the Greater Cincinnati Film Commission for 3 years.
She has two books in progress: "See you Next Tuesday," which is a collection of humorous short stories about her close, social network of friends who meet every Tuesday night.
Her other work is a memoir about her mother who was a fine artist, pianist and a lifelong victim of schizophrenia. "My Mother, My Child" focuses on the horrors of how electroshock therapy in the 1960's affected her mother's life, and that of her family.
Claire's introduction into the world of art began as a five-year old in Dayton, Ohio, sitting at her mother's feet while she worked at her easel. In 2007, Claire purchased and worked from a studio in Cincinnati, Ohio, which she named Gracely Gallery. She received her first painting commission in 2007, and countless others have followed. Claire Butler has had one private exhibition at a private country club in Cincinnati, and her work is openly exhibited to the public through the Pendleton Art Center of Cincinnati.
Claire's college education is ongoing, focusing on English, French, and art history. She has attended writing classes at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio, the University of Cincinnati, and she studied humor writing at Ohio State University under the professorship of the late author, Michael Harden.
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Posts by Claire Butler:
Conversations with The Tuesday Night Girls: What’s Your Pet Peeve?
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Strangers In A Ball Pit
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Do You Ever Think You Are Going Crazy?
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: The Pact
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Solution For The Barometric Blues
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: The Question Was Asked: Is There Life After Divorce?
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Open Sesame!
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Kicking The Habit Part Deux: The Electronic Cigarette
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Got Milk?
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Bored? Join A Dating Service!
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: With This Jaguar, I Thee Wed
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Speak At Your Own Risk!
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Kicking The Habit
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: Alphabet Soup
Conversations With The Tuesday Night Girls: The Swap Meet

For Cara, it’s leaving lights on in an empty room; for Mootsie, it’s finding discarded socks and shoes leaving a trail behind where others’ feet have traveled. For me, it had always been technology. [...]

We girls viewed You Tube’s, “Strangers in a Ball Pit,” which went viral. Maybe you’ve seen it? If not, I wholeheartedly recommend it! In an unknown city, a ball pit, large enough for two adults, [...]

Have you ever done something that really made you think you were “losing it?” I got a call from Eva; she was laughing hysterically. “I’m texting you a picture,” she said, then followed [...]

What are the two most frightening words you can say to anyone over 50? Nursing Home. It’s true that we girls are still young, but we’ve decided it’s high time we come up with a plan for ourselves [...]

One Tuesday night brought with it a low barometric pressure front, and we girls were feeling it as we gathered around Janine’s porch. Mootsie had a headache, some of us were feeling joint pain and the rest of us [...]

Yes, Virginia, there is! Tuesday Night Girls was borne to a group of women – some married, some divorced – who were looking for a bit of social company within their ranks of girlfriends over the age of 50. [...]

As you probably recall, that phrase originated from the story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Ali Baba repeats those words to open the mouth of a cave where forty thieves have hidden their treasure. But today, the [...]

As promised, here is a recap of our girls’ trip to Michigan, which was supposed to be our second effort to quit smoking. Most of Michigan has banned smoking in public places, and since we girls find ourselves in [...]

You learned from my last posting that I joined a dating service a few months ago, and was quite disappointed with it. I did eventually drop my membership, but before I did, I met a man who is a doctor of biology, specializing [...]

After a couple of “dry” conversations ended with everyone staring at their wine glasses or beer bottles, Janine came up with the big idea that one of the singles in our group should join a dating service [...]

A tradition that is quickly disappearing is the church wedding. It has become ever so much more popular to have the wedding at the same venue as the reception. Certain faiths have done this for decades while others [...]

As a baby boomer, I cannot count the number of times that I’ve used 20th Century vernacular to describe a thing or a situation that has caused deep frowns on the face of my Generation “X” daughter. One [...]

Okay, we all know it’s not cool and that it’s very, very bad for our health, so five or six of our Tuesday girls decided it was time to quit smoking. Some of us had smoked for years, others only more recently, [...]

Texting. These days, everyone does it, unless they are on an airplane. Even church pews and movie theaters are not exempt from the buzzing and dinging of text message notifications. Of course I have the usual etiquette [...]

It was that time of year when Garage Sale signs start popping up all over. We girls had decided that it was time to do some spring cleaning and empty those cupboards and closets for a sale. The venue would be Janine’s [...]