Peter Sacco, Ph.D.
Peter Sacco is also the acclaimed author of Right Now Enough Is Enough, a self-help guide for overcoming addictions of all types by combining Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with the law of attraction. And in Why Keeping Resolutions Are So Ridiculously Difficult! The Handbook To Understanding And Overcoming Procrastination, Sacco explains that procrastination is a habit that can become an addiction, and how it is out of control in our culture - as are the bad habits and addictions which are its by-products. In addition to being an author of many books and more than 800 magazine articles, Sacco is an award-winning lecturer at universities in both the USA and Canada, specializing in relationships, criminal psychology, addictions, and mental health. He is also a frequent resident expert on several television programs and appears regularly as a guest expert on many news talk radio shows in the USA (FOX, ABC, CBS, Iheart, Coast To Coast, etc.), as well as hosting the weekly radio show “Matters of the Mind: Managing Relationships and Mental Health.” He is also an award-winning executive producer and host of documentaries on relationships, psychological issues and child issues.
Posts by Peter Sacco, Ph.D.:
Addicted To Anger Online?
E-Cigarettes And Vaping: The New Teen Addiction Concern!
Mothers Against Text Messaging
Elder Abuse: The Quiet Victims Of Bullying!
Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Keeping Or Redoing Your 2017 Resolutions and Succeeding!
Loving And Living With An Addict!
Cornered By Commercialism – It’s Valentines Day?
50 Shades of Black – Sexy and Scary in the Honeymoon Capital
Text Message Dating: Do you Mean “Sexting?”
Is Text Messaging Creating A Social Communication Misfit Generation?

Can anger be addictive? After working with individuals in the field for over two decades, I would definitely have to say yes! In my recent book “What’s Your Anger Type?”, I address many types of anger, [...]

When e-cigarettes first came out, they were created to serve two primary purposes: 1) to wean smokers off of nicotine and reduce the harmful damages of smoking to the body of the smoker, and those around the smoker, [...]

Okay, you’ve heard about MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) but have you heard of MATM (Mothers Against Text Messaging)? Okay, it doesn’t exist yet, but the driving laws are totally against driving and [...]

Last night I did a talk on bullying for an audience of people at a local library and started out asserting the same motto that I use for discussing addictions as being applicable to bullying. Bullying does not discriminate, [...]

Over the last five years, I have been blessed to be part of an excellent TV series, Niagara’s Most Haunted. It took me to some really neat, historic places on both sides of the Canada / USA border. People often ask, [...]

It’s that time of the year, the fresh start, you know the one that you have been waiting for to get it right “this time”! Drum roll please…Time for the latest episode of: ‘These are your [...]

One of the most difficult things anyone can experience is being attached or married to an individual who has an addiction—alcohol, drugs, gambling…pornography! Not only is it hard to see the individual you care about [...]

I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop today and someone from the media asked me “off record” of course, what I thought about the upcoming and impending Valentine’s Day. Before I could give it any [...]

In my town, I get to see the 7th natural wonder of the world everyday–Niagara Falls. In my neck of the woods, folks like the great Nik Wallenda share magical moments by walking over Niagara Falls. In my backyard, [...]

As author of the book Fast Food Dating, Your 2 Cents I learned a lot about the world of Internet dating. I learned not only how time consuming it can be, but also how highly addictive that it can become too many. I was [...]

Compromising communication Let me be the first to say, well at least one of the first to say that I called this a couple of years ago when texting first started becoming popular, “There is going to come a time [...]