Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

When You Lose Your Fame And Popularity

Many successful people do not know what to do when they lose their fame and popularity. As an author of a very popular managing fear book, I sometimes wonder what happens to successful people when they lose their fame. Here are some suggestions [...]

How A Person Can Overcome Embarrassing Media Reports

Many people in the public eye sometimes have to deal with embarrassing media reports which can cause a lot of problems. As an author of a popular managing fear book, here are a few tips I use on dealing with these kinds of media reports. The [...]

Therapy As Creation, Not Compost!

Some therapists and clients think that therapy is only a compost bucket. Tell the therapist how bad life is and get better. Dig up the details on a past trauma and feel healed. This is not true. As you emphasize what is wrong with your life, [...]

How I Reduce My Anxieties And Fears Of Driving

I noticed that many people drive really fast nowadays while I tend to drive near the speed limit. It can be very stressful having people fly by you on the road. Here are some techniques I try to use to help reduce my anxieties of driving without [...]

How Running Calms My Anxiety

I started running five years ago to get my body and my heart fit and healthy. But there has been an unexpected benefit as well – a more peaceful mind. Having been an anxious person since childhood, I was willing to try many things to reduce [...]

A Stroll Down “Memory Lane” Shows Signs Of Wellness For The Brain!

Finally!  I feel absolutely vindicated for being the nostalgic, hopeless romantic that “lives in the past” frequently revisiting those “Good Old Days,” and now I know why! Are you a “Frequent Flier” to thoughts [...]

How To Balance Your Fame, Success & Your Relationships

Many successful people sometimes have a difficult time managing their fame and relationships. As an author of a managing fear book, here are some suggestions I came up with on how to not let fame ruin your relationships. The first thing I recommend [...]

Tips On How To Deal With A Difficult Client

Many successful professionals occasionally have to work with difficult clients. Since the client is your source of income, it can be difficult to not to get them upset which could lead to a loss of business and your reputation. The most important [...]

Do Not Let Fame And Success Go To Your Head

Many successful people and authors sometimes have a difficult time in coping with their fame, success, and popularity. As a successful managing fear author, here are some suggestions I learned on how to not let fame get the best of me. First, [...]

How Successful People Deal With The Pressure From Their Fans

As an author of a managing fear book, I can find it stressful to deal with the pressure of my fans. Here are some suggestions I came up with on how to manage the stresses and anxieties of making your fans happy. The most important thing to [...]

Do Not Let Your Friends Pressure You Into Getting Married

I have many friends who pressure me to get into a relationship and to get married right away. I believe that getting married because your friends and relatives get on your case is a big mistake. Here are six tips on how I deal with my friends [...]

The Power Nap

For decades, I’ve found that it’s really refreshing to follow my body’s clues and take that late afternoon siesta. For whatever reason, like clockwork, I start to shut down around 3 PM, and I found over the years that if I don’t follow [...]

NJ Bill S2828 Right Arrow, Wrong Target

Very recently New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, approved a Bill (S2828) allotting some 2 million dollars to allow several counties to enforce mental health treatment via the court system. In other words, individuals suffering with psychosis [...]

How I Managed My Anxieties Of Making Friends And Meeting People

There were times I got nervous in meeting people and making new friends. There were times that I worried about what people would think of me, and how I should act around people who I did not know. Here are some suggestions on how I reduced my [...]

Where Does It Irk Ya, Baby?

As a reinvention expert, I am often honored to lead others on a path of self-discovery as they embark on the next chapter in their lives. Among other exercises, one I highly recommend for those who “don’t have a clue” as to what they want [...]

A Lesson From Travis Alexander

I got sucked into the drama of the ongoing Jodi Arias capital murder trial. If you haven’t been following it, the thrust is Jodi savagely murdered her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander, by stabbing him 29 times, shooting him in the head, and [...]

When Your Boss Gives You A Difficult Time

There were times that I liked my job, but my boss gave me a hard time. It was not easy but I came up with a few techniques on how to deal with my boss. Here are some suggestions when your current boss stresses you out: The first thing I did [...]

Why Am I So Possessive?

Let’s face the facts; many of us are very possessive of our love interests. What is really going on when we feel like this? You need to know. Why? Because it is absolutely not mentally healthy. When we feel possessive we are really [...]

Some Tips On How To Get Through A Disaster

I sometimes wonder what I would do if a man-made or natural disaster would strike. Here are some suggestions on how I would try to stay calm and focused during a disaster. The first thing I would do is take several deep breaths and try to keep [...]

How To Manage Your Fear Of Public Speaking

I have talked with many people who struggle with speaking in public. Sometimes a person’s fear and anxiety can overwhelm them when they talk in front of a group of people. As an author of a managing fear book, here is a list of  techniques [...]

The Best Way To Handle Gossip In Your Life

We all have dealt with gossip at our job and in our personal life. I tend not to get involved with people who like to gossip on a regular basis, however I found it difficult to stay neutral. Here are some suggestions on how to deal gossip in [...]

What People Don’t Know About Losing A Pet

In life we lose a few pets and it is very tough to get over. Anyone who loses a pet knows how difficult it can be. People comfort you, but the grief doesn’t go away. What can you do other than talk to a grief counselor and find ways to manage [...]

Crazy vs. Cunning

Being in the field of psychology and mental disorders, I watch the court and news stations with silent frustration. I am watching defense attorneys or news-casters talking about rapists, murderers, pedophiles and the like being “mentally ill” [...]

The Best Way Of Getting Out Of An Unhappy Relationship

For most of us, there are times when we have to get out of an unhappy relationship. For me it was tough, but I found that in the long run I was better off. Here are some of the things i did to help manage the stress and anxiety of ending a relationship [...]

“Hello In There!”

If anyone has been following me, read my book, or been a friend or client of mine knows very well that my prescription for wellness and survival always involves socializing! People need people to grow, succeed, learn, love, prosper and simply be [...]

How I Manage My Fear Of Death & Getting Older

I sometimes wonder what will happen to me when I get older. My biggest fear is aging and what may happen to me as my health starts to go downhill.  Here is a list of techniques I use to help manage the fear and anxiety that comes along with [...]

Parenting In A Pill

As a Licensed Therapist, this news makes my blood boil! As an author, this news reaffirms what I have been saying for years.  One “Diagnosis De Jour” is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or better known as ADHD by too [...]

How I Deal With My Fear Of Being Alone

It is not easy when you are alone. I find it difficult to find the right person to marry or do things with my friends who are married and very busy. I also learned that even married people sometimes deal with loneliness. Here are a few tips [...]

How I Balance My Family, Job & Daily Stresses

I have a full time job and family responsibilities in addition to being an author. Doing all of these tasks sometimes makes me very stressed and anxious.  Here are a few techniques I use to take care of my family and career without getting [...]

How To Manage Your Anxieties Of Being On TV And The Radio

As an author of a managing fear book, I have been on a few TV and Radio Programs. Being on TV or on radio can be very exciting, however many people get anxious and sometimes fearful of being in the media spot light. Here are some suggestions [...]

How I Managed The Fear Of Losing My Job

For 20 years I had a rough time getting through each day. It was scary and very tough especially during the week because I had to go to work the next day. How will I be able to go to work and do my job when my fears and anxiety are overwhelming [...]

How To Find An Effective Mental Health Therapist

One of the main issues people seeking help have is how to find a good mental health therapist. Many people have told me that they have had a difficult time in finding the right counselor for their mental health needs. Here are some suggestions [...]

Worry, Be Happy?

Do you know any miserable people? Those who are just so negative, so nasty, so unhopeful that you just can’t stand listening to them?  These are the folks who seem to live forever, while positive people with all good thoughts and intentions [...]

How I Managed My Fears Of The Future

I struggled with fear and anxiety for 20 years. One of the greatest fears I had to deal with was the fear of the future. A lot of times, I would worry about what would happen if I was unable to manage my fears in terms of my career, relationships, [...]

Big Bird Vs. The Power Rangers

The debate has been on-going for years. The debate about children watching violence on TV and how it may be affecting their behaviors may finally be over, and the news is not good!  However, the future can be better! Consider this, the average [...]