Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Your Destiny Sings In Your Ears At the Darnedest Times

Each time I stand up in front of an audience, I invite every person in the room to accept himself or herself unconditionally. “You are a one time miracle of the universe,” I boldly state. “Accept your height, weight, build, looks, hair, [...]

Podcast: Create A Healthy Work/Life Balance

Listen Here: Janet Bernstein who in 2009 was a newly separated stay-at-home mom in her early forties with no money, career, or education. Today, she’s an Ivy League graduate, owns one of Philadelphia’s most successful professional [...]

Podcast: Great Work: How To Make A Difference People Love

Listen Here: Most research about success in the workplace studies personality traits, but David Sturt, took a different approach. He studied Great Work itself—under what conditions it happens, and what people are doing when they produce it. His [...]

Podcast: Using Humor Effectively

Listen Here: Dr. Louis Franzini is a Clinical Psychologist, Humorist and author. His latest book is Just Kidding: Using Humor Effectively. In this podcast, Dr. Franzini discusses the value of using humor in relationships, at work and in [...]

Can You Create When You’re In The Dumps?

Life seems to demand that creators create no matter what happens to them. But, is this human reality? I mean, can you really be wonderfully imaginative when you’re stuck in a down turn? It could be anything that has you in its grip – lost [...]

What Do You Want To Do With The Rest Of Your Life?

It has to be something, right? As a start, there is nothing better than honestly and carefully writing a short synopsis of your vision. Sometimes this is a solution, and people go happily into a new life.  But, NEW LIFE, what is that? A recent [...]

Weathering A Financial Crisis That’s Close To Home

An unfortunate reality of difficult economic times is that layoffs and cutbacks become business as usual. And economic crisis or unemployment can throw even the best functioning families into emotional turmoil as nothing before it has. With [...]

3 Tips For Conquering Job Burnout

Can you relate to the following scenario? You once approached your work in a dedicated, passionate and enthusiastic way. You were eager and excited about your responsibilities.  While you were aware that there are built in frustrations in [...]

Why Your New And Creative Idea Isn’t Welcome At Work And What You Can Do About It

Bob, in the cubicle next to yours at work, just got a promotion and a raise. Bob has been at Con-Soft-Drink-Co for only a few months, whereas you have been there for almost 5 years. So, you decide one morning at 3 am (while devouring Oreos because [...]

Podcast: Why Everyone Should Work In Sales At Least Once

Listen Here: The JenningsWire online magazine is pleased to present an insightful and information-packed podcast with JenningsWire blogger, Thomas La Vecchia MBA aka “The Sales Expert.” Tom La Vecchia has 20 years of corporate sales experience [...]

Podcast: How To Find A Job As An International Student In The US

Listen Here: Ceren Cubukcu is an MBA who began her American education as an international student. Ceren reveals the secrets she has personally discovered on how to find a job as an international student in the U.S. in her newest book, Make [...]

Three Actions Of Highly Productive Creators

We can all have those days when we just can’t get things done. There may be too many distractions or we’re just too darn distractible. Either way you can use these three actions to work smarter and be most productive. Get to work. Don’t [...]

When Your Boss Gives You A Difficult Time

There were times that I liked my job, but my boss gave me a hard time. It was not easy but I came up with a few techniques on how to deal with my boss. Here are some suggestions when your current boss stresses you out: The first thing I did [...]

How I Balance My Family, Job & Daily Stresses

I have a full time job and family responsibilities in addition to being an author. Doing all of these tasks sometimes makes me very stressed and anxious.  Here are a few techniques I use to take care of my family and career without getting [...]