Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Want To Get In The Conversation Fast? Build Your Own On Ramp

We kind of take the entrance ramp for granted. We are so used to getting on the ramp that we fail to see its value. Think about the purpose of the on ramp. Its purpose is to facilitate a car going from street to expressway as quickly as possible. [...]

5 Reasons I Am A Hotel Only Girl And What It Means To You

With every new technology I have tried to embrace the newness. I tried Snapchat and Instagram. Years ago I gave up my beloved flip phone. I have a SMART TV that is smarter than me. I stream Netflix and Amazon like a junkie and I was one of the [...]

It’s The Communication!

“It’s the economy.” The phrase “The economy“, which James Carville had coined as a campaign strategist of Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting President George H. W. Bush, has [...]

Ready To Re-Charge Your Batteries?

I truly believe that it is very important to have activities outside of our normal work day that brings us joy. When we get so caught up in helping others, sometimes, we forget to help ourselves.  We suddenly forget what is really important [...]

Happy People Thoughts

Most positive people have a deep belief and understanding that things always change and evolve. They realize that emotions come and go, a bad moment does not mean a bad day.  Tomorrow is a brand new day.  They always remember to have hope [...]

Bucket List, Here I Come!

Recently in one of my latest trips to the doctor the topic of discussion was what was new regarding my cancer. “Karen,” the doctor opened up her conversation, ‘Your cancer has spread to your liver. As it looks you have a few months to [...]

Life: Your Highest Performance Of Function

“Life” charges around your body every second of every day until your last breath on Earth. Your red blood cells race through thousands of miles of arteries, capillaries and veins. Everything about you thrives toward performance and function. Blood [...]

Evolving Or Stagnating?

“You can’t wait for inspiration. Sometimes you have to go after it with a club.” ~ Jack London Self-evolution is the ongoing process of change that allows us to recreate and create from our core. We’re powerful creators and continuously [...]

Hold The Sky: What You Can Do About Personal Grief

During your journey on Earth, you face incredible moments of joy, challenge and discomfort. You never know where those “moments” may originate or for how long. In your life, you may face an accident, loss of a loved one, disintegration of [...]

Do You Look Forward To Each Day In Your Life?

When we don’t look forward to something, when we simply don’t enjoy it, we are not living in the present moment. It’s like life is rushing past us and we feel we are simply waiting for something more interesting to come along. [...]

Learn How To Dribble A Football: Life Calls You

The famous automobile maker Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” Almost everything in your life boils down to how you think, speak and act. High thinking creates high vibrations in your mind and body. Such [...]

What Floor Are You On?

I was participating in a reflections workshop and the instructor brought up the image of a 10-story building for the class to look at. In essence, she explained people can live in the same building but depending on what floor they’re on, the [...]

A Bursting Heart: Dynamic Infusion Of Intentions

Most teens exit high school without a clue as to what path they might follow on their life journey. Most grab a job. Many get married with over half divorcing within ten years. Others rocket into college with their parents’ wallets by their [...]

There Is More Than Enough

I have a confession to make. I have been pulled into the diabolical mindset of “there’s not enough” in my life. If you watched my daily activities when I was in my twenties and early thirties, you would see, “there’s not enough time,” [...]

Have Problems Turned Into Blessings For You?

Ever had your day start off pretty good and then something happens that turns your world upside down? . . . Like delays, missed opportunities and major nuisances that can suddenly make your blood boil way past simmer?  Some of these problems [...]

The Midlife Sage Says: Fight Tragedy With Tenacity

Twenty years ago an uninsured punk ran a stop sign and crashed into me as I cheerfully drove up 5 Mile Road in my new car. I regained consciousness in the hospital and had broken bones, multiple contusions, and a damaged occipital nerve that [...]

A New Perspective On Courage

Wayne Dyer says, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Such good advice to follow, since you know that challenges will come your way as you age and your perspective is a major factor in how [...]

Spring Cleaning: A Fresh Perspective Can Change Your Life

The power to change. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~ Dr. Wayne D. Dyer A recent conversation with a friend led to a discussion about perspective and how we hold the power to change it. In that [...]