I truly believe that it is very important to have activities outside of our normal work day that brings us joy.
When we get so caught up in helping others, sometimes, we forget to help ourselves. We suddenly forget what is really important to us and we begin to feel off balance in our own lives. I realize that I need to recharge my batteries by seeking activities that simply re-charge my soul.
Perhaps, we need to create joy in life.
A method for finding happiness and joy is being in a state of “easy flow.” This is a feeling where we are creative – doing things like painting, playing music, cooking, reading, writing or working on crafts. Other activities that continue the “easy flow” are physical, like gardening, hiking, bike riding, doing anything we enjoy.
Our lives can completely change, if we make it a priority to do things we so enjoy. By enjoying what you are doing is so nurturing for your soul.
All of us can use more joy and happiness in life. The simple thing is we need to consciously choose to create it.
Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.
The post is presented by the National Publicist, Annie Jennings of the NYC based PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR. Annie Jennings PR specializes in marketing books for getting authors booked on radio talk show interviews, TV shows in major online and in high circulation magazines and newspapers. Annie also works with speaker and experts to build up powerful platforms of credibility and influence.