Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Billions On Bicycles

Millions of people around the globe ride bicycles, but I have never been so affected by bicycle riders than when I rode through the streets of Beijing, China. That country houses 1.35 billion people. Their main transportation? The bicycle. With [...]

We Turned Up A Dirt Road Today: Hawk And A Mouse

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost Doug, a seven continent world cyclist with 130 countries under his wheels, and I met on a trip through New Zealand. [...]

I’m Happy Being Ugly

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares drop off like autumn leaves.” John [...]

High Speed Chase: Wile E. Coyote & The Rabbit

On Route 72, near Parker, Arizona, I headed east into the twilight. A blistering day scorched my body into a dishrag that had cleaned out a pot of greasy spaghetti and hung over the top tube to dry. My chances of finding a stream for a bath [...]

Cycling Nepal: Face To Face With A Cobra

“The sublime and the ridiculous are so often nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous, and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again.” Thomas Paine Mount [...]

Leap For Death Or Leap For Life

Heading east on Route 92 out of Provo, Utah, Sandi and I cranked hard through the afternoon. Above us, craggy 10,000 foot peaks poked into a cloudy sky. We sweated our way through deep canyons. We stopped for a rest area at a turnout. “Sure [...]

Will You Live Or Die On An Adventure?

Mark Twain said, “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” On my first trip to Alaska as a young adventure-seeker at 24, I woke up in my tent on the Russian River of the Kenai [...]

Your Edge Equates to Maximizing Yourself

No matter what you learned in your youth, good or bad, you can change that orientation by understanding what happened to you. With understanding, you can rewrite the hard drive in your mind. You can decide to take action. You can move toward [...]
Talons From The Sky: Coiled Scales On The Ground

Talons From The Sky: Coiled Scales On The Ground

Heading eastbound across southern California, the sun set low in the sky. We looked for a campsite in the rocky terrain east of Joshua Tree National Monument. “We better find a spot soon,” Sandi said. “I’m looking, dear,” I said. Up [...]

Bird Tracker On Bicycle: Dorian Anderson

Individual passions glide on America’s highways in different forms. Some folks pursue their quests of visiting all National Parks within a summer. Others carry kayaks to challenge rivers from Maine to Oregon. Still others climb mountains in [...]

Walking Across America for Little Children: Anna Harrington

“For Jane Austen and the readers of Pride and Prejudice, solitary walks express the independence that literally takes the heroine out of the social sphere of the houses and their inhabitants, into a larger, lonelier world where she is free [...]

Oracle Of The Soul: Discovering Gems Of Understanding

As you grew up, you experienced different lessons along your life-path. You discovered a hot stove hurt when you touched it. A candle flame caused pain when you passed your finger over it. A rosebush thorn made your finger bleed. A bee sting [...]

Podcast: Rocky Mountain National Park: The First 100 Years

Listen Here: Mary Taylor Young is an Award-winning Colorado author of 15 books, who has been writing on the landscape, natural history and heritage of the American West for more than 25 years. In her new book, Rocky Mountain National Park: [...]

Podcast: A Clinical Theory of Everything

Listen Here: Dr. Glen Swartwout is a doctor who uses both the ordinary elements of Nature, as well as your Supernatural essence to elicit your profound healing capacities in your human bio-body suit. Dr. Glen just produced a video series [...]

Planting A Garden In Your Mind

In America today, you notice an endless stream of teens, college kids and employees looking down into their Smart phones. At bars, women line the dance floor with a white light shining up into their faces from their phones as they stare into [...]

What Makes You Go Wild?

Wild as in wild places, the great outdoors. What drives you to pack up your gear, leave the safety and comfort of home, and head to nature’s domain? To me it seems that millions of us have an urge, a need almost, to spend as much time as possible [...]

The Celestial Magic Of A Campfire & Friends

To sit around a campfire with a stick while you poke the glowing embers before you, may be one of the most tangible of all visible mysteries of the universe. You stare into pulsing energy that feeds your soul. Warmth comforts your sense of belonging [...]

Have You Found Your Talent?

Is talent born with you or is it made? Actually, we are born with talent.  Sometimes, it is hard for most to identify it.  Could it be right under our nose and we don’t even recognize it? Perhaps, if we listen to others when they tell [...]

Halloween Safari

Email: You are invited to attended a party this holiday with the Tigers, Lions, and Panthers here at Shambala. It has been 1.5 years since I visited the sanctuary. Walking through brush, on dirt paths that wind around like a maze surrounding [...]