Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

How To Reduce Your Grief By Fifty Percent

Many people who lose a love one or a beloved pet have a difficult time getting over their grief. The sense of loss can be great. As an author of a managing fear book, I found that many people view grief and death the wrong way. Many people who [...]

Podcast: How To Handle Holiday Firsts

Listen Here: Family therapist Carleton Kendrick is a licensed psychotherapist, noted national speaker, broadcast commentator and author of Take Out Your Nose Ring, Honey, We’re Going to Grandma’s: Hanging In, Holding On and Letting [...]

Podcast: What Matters

Listen Here: Stephen Garrett is a trainer, speaker, coach, and author of the recently published book When Death Speaks, Listen, Learn, and Love. In this podcast, Stephen discusses how the fear of death holds us back from living a full life [...]

What People Don’t Know About Losing A Pet

In life we lose a few pets and it is very tough to get over. Anyone who loses a pet knows how difficult it can be. People comfort you, but the grief doesn’t go away. What can you do other than talk to a grief counselor and find ways to manage [...]

How I Manage My Fear Of Death & Getting Older

I sometimes wonder what will happen to me when I get older. My biggest fear is aging and what may happen to me as my health starts to go downhill.  Here is a list of techniques I use to help manage the fear and anxiety that comes along with [...]

The Midlife Sage: Dealing With Death, Taxes, And Independence

Are your taxes done? Does your accountant begin to have seizures when you come to your appointment? Are you promising that this year you will do a better job of keeping accurate records so you don’t need to frantically search for documents [...]