Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Podcast: Where Will I Live Now? Housing Options For Seniors

Listen Here: Tony Burke is the author of Where Will I Live Now? which explores the challenges of providing new living accommodations for elderly parents and helps guide the search and offers tools to make informed decisions at a very hard [...]

Podcast: Fall Fun For The Whole Family!

Listen Here: Pamela McMurtry is the author of A Harvest and Halloween Handbook and event maven! From organizing to décor to food, Pam does it all! Fall Fun For The Whole Family! What are your favorite ways to celebrate fall with family [...]

Fueling The GPS

We in the world of ADHD professionals talk often about the importance of an early diagnosis so that treatment can begin and allow strategy development for impairments to success. That makes sense.  Knowing the diagnosis allows the child to [...]

Podcast: What You Need To Know BEFORE Becoming a Stepdad

Listen Here: Family Dynamic Expert, Stacey James Wheeler, is a stepdad turned international-selling author and in this podcast, he reveals what you need to know to be a successful Stepdad. Stacey’s first book, The Stepdad’s Guide- Resolving [...]

Communication: Getting Through To Your Teen Daughter

Being a teenage girl in the 21st century is tough. They’re minds are preoccupied with all of the changes they are experiencing physically, emotionally and psychologically. They’re still developing, and, sometimes they don’t [...]

Too Young To Understand Murder? Too Young To Play Violent Video Games!

In Slaughter, LA an 8-year-old boy shot his grandmother in the back of her head while she watched TV. The boy had just finished playing Grand Theft Auto, a video game that gives you points and advancement for the number of “people” you kill. (Slaughter, [...]

Podcast: Empowering Parents To Teach Music To Their Kids

Listen Here: Gail Nelson is the author of Teach Your Kids Music in 12 Weeks and she will be sharing her secrets of musical success and why music education is important for your kids. Empowering Parents to Teach Music to Their Kids What [...]

Erasing Anxiety as Transition Looms

The approach of August brings with it the overwhelming and anxiety producing thoughts of the start of school for many diagnosed with ADHD. The symptoms of ADHD do not allow many times a user friendly environment for them.  What can you do as [...]

3 Words No Mother Wants To Hear Her Teen Say And How To Handle Them If You Do

From birth to age six you are your daughter’s everything. Daughters use what they’ve observed as a child to play “grown up” as she wears your lip stick, puts on your jewelry, and, although stumbling while doing so, puts on your [...]

The Law’s Reinforcement Of Parental Advocacy

An amazing decision has been made as of June 13, 2013! Our kids with special needs are supported in schools with IEP’s, individual education plans. They are regulated by federal law, mandating minimally annual meetings with school personnel [...]

The Icon Of Positivity

I recently attended the graduation at my son’s school in Conshocken, Pa. It is called AIM Academy and is a school for learning differences. Although my son was not graduating, I went to hear Dr. Ned Hallowell, a child psychiatrist and expert [...]

Don’t Get Stuck In The Gifted Parent Box

I recently told a little boy in my daughter’s second grade art class to think outside the box as he struggled with a project. He told me with all seriousness his mommy told him he always had to stay inside his box ESPECIALLY during art. I [...]

Commitment At Birth

We parents, bring our kids into this world to love, protect, clothe, feed, guide, and teach them. We who have kids with ADHD quickly learn another verb that must be added: Advocate! We know our kid better than the world. We know how his impairments [...]

Children & Divorce: A New Approach That’s Sensitive and Sane!

Few children outgrow the warm comfort of a bedtime tale. And like most kids, my son always enjoyed his baby pictures – watching himself grow and change. Divorce is certainly no fairytale, but I thought, ‘Maybe combining a story with our [...]

Parents: The True Force Behind Successful Advocacy

Should we  parents be overruled by teachers and physicians when it comes to our kids’ academic achievement and self-esteem? I say no!  We know our kids better than anyone, and therefore are in the right and best position to advocate for [...]

A Journey Of Discovery: Fact Or Fiction?

I watched a very troubling show last night. It was about the journey of discovery as to who was responsible for consistent injuries to a five year old girl. Initially it was thought to be the result of an angry nanny. All too soon, it was clear [...]

Divorce Or Stay Together For The Kids? A Personal Perspective For Parents

Divorce is a highly emotional topic. When children are involved the consequences are far more dramatic – and, not surprisingly, so are our opinions. I know there are many people who sincerely believe that no divorce is a good divorce. They [...]

Being Aware Of The Advocate

Below is a humorous  poem about IEP’s, individual education plans: Do you like these IEPs? I do not like these IEP’s I do not like them, Jeeze Louise We test, we check We plan, we meet But nothing ever seems complete. Would you, could [...]

An Attempt To Wear The Shoes

As a coach and parent of children with ADHD, I sometimes struggle with understanding how they really feel. Using supportive measures to help the client with stated goals is part of what we do as ADHD coaches.  But let’s face it, when you [...]

Invisible Impairments of ADHD

We have traveled a distance along this journey of ADHD. Many more people are diagnosed and treated. So many parents of diagnosed kids are now being diagnosed as they learn about the genetic nature of ADHD and realize that they, too, have always [...]

SAFETY: Keeping Kids Safe In An Unsafe World

Police tell us that public safety is their top priority. However, many police departments are cutting back due to budget cuts.  This is a wake up call that we all need to be better informed on how to keep our families safe. Most Americans have [...]

Don’t Shop, ADOPT! (Jenny’s Story)

We have 4 dogs. On Facebook and in “real life,” everyone knows about our Saint Bernards.  My wife Cori and I have 3 of them.  We seem to show them all of our attention “on line,” but… then, there is Jenny! Cori saved Jenny in [...]

Don’t “Talk Turkey,” Give Thanks

Oh how I loathe hearing the words….”Happy Turkey Day.” I loathe the expression not only because I know that turkeys are ready, willing and able to be loving pets for those lucky enough to be able to house them, but also because [...]

Home For The Holidays

In preparing for the upcoming holidays, are you filled with eager anticipation or fear of family? Is home for the holidays more like hell for the holidays? Here are some tips to bear in mind to enjoy the event rather than spar: While you are [...]

I’m Too Sexy For My Child

On the eve of Halloween, many young girls are choosing overtly sexy costumes. Imagine a 5-year-old dressing up like Rihanna. Scary…frightening….ghoulish, indeed. I honestly cannot even remember when I first heard the word “sexy,” and [...]

Mommies: It’s Not What You Say…

I don’t mean to put extra pressure on all you mommies out there. But it is a fact that you are the number one person that your kids look up to and pay attention to most when they’re in their formative years. Your actions and your words as [...]

Making Halloween the Perfect Addition to An Introverts Holiday List

A holiday for Introverts. Costumes, decorations and trick-or-treating door to door are all just around the corner. So, what are you going to be for Halloween? Egads. As an introvert, an INTJ at that, I’m calculating the different ways [...]

Give Thanks for the Next Day

Let me give you a vision. . .ready? Turkey is prepared to be cooked with all the trimmings and your mother has just came back from the store with extra cans of  your favorite vegetables and sweets. Everybody sits down for a moment to have a [...]

“Loving” Like Cats and Dogs

It’s so so wonderful to see so many people on Facebook that love their dogs, cats, and animals! My observations over the years in mental health services, though not “scientific” by any means, prove to me that there is a huge [...]

Puddle Parenting

Yesterday afternoon, I pulled up to the dry cleaners to drop off a few items. It was a damp day, the rain had stopped but the aftermath of the storm had left the parking lot full of puddles. As I was gathering my clothing together I noticed [...]

An Introvert Recovery Plan to Manage Your Extroverted Times: House Guests, Traveling or Holidays

Clarify introvert and extrovert traits before you read another article about what you think you know about the label. Inherent in the most accurate definitions, all experts agree that the difference between an introvert and an extrovert has [...]

Intuition: The Purest Form of Wisdom

Intuitive at age 6 Years ago, at 6 years of age, my son met a man I had been dating for several months for the first time.   A proud mother, I watched the exchange between the two. I beamed as my son remembered all of his manners, made eye [...]

Your Child’s Problem Behavior: Using Common Sense to Find the Best Solution

There is an old medical proverb that goes: “When you hear hoof beats in the hallway, think horses, not zebras.” This means, of course, that we should use common sense and look for the expected cause first, rather than the exotic. This proverb [...]