We parents, bring our kids into this world to love, protect, clothe, feed, guide, and teach them.
We who have kids with ADHD quickly learn another verb that must be added: Advocate! We know our kid better than the world. We know how his impairments affect his achievement and self-esteem.
But when we appear at school meetings in order to determine the best educational plan to support him, we feel less than adequate.
Why is that? Is it because we are made to feel this way by school personnel? Does it seem inherent within the discussions? That is, the school personnel are the professionals and they know best.
No, we need to shift our thoughts!
Go back to the feelings we had on the day of your child’s birth. Your child was perfect and beautiful…and you claimed, if only silently or even unconsciously, that you would do anything to protect this incredible living being with every ounce of your being.
He would be happy, successful, and safe. You knew too that you would be the one person (as well as the other parent) that would know him the best, would know what he needed…and you would ensure that he got it! Bring these thoughts with you the next time you face a sea of school personnel at a parent-teacher meeting or an educational meeting in order to formulate a plan of academics to insure a healthy self-esteem and success.
Too many parents are intimidated by the professionals for no good reason. Gather your necessary information and advocate for this precious child you had and promised from the beginning that you would protect. You will succeed and your child will thrive.
Blog post by Karen Lowry, R.N.,M.S.N., a Parent2Parent ADHD Family Trainer for CHADD and ADHD Coach, AAC and blogger for JenningsWire.