Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

The 100,000th Publicist

That’s right. There’s an unprecedented number of “publicists” hitting the internet all vying for your business. But do you really want to hire a “newbie” to make the most of book publicity experience? Some of the dangers of hiring [...]

Publicity: What Do CEOs Want?

What do CEOs want? From power to prestige to recognition and appreciation for all of their hard work over the years, CEOs share one ideal, they truly want to help make the world a better place. Using their wisdom, credentials and experience [...]

Book PR: Hire A Publicist With The Blink Factor, Here’s Why

Wondering how to hire the right publicist to help you promote your book? There seem to be publicists everywhere. But there is one special thing to look for that helps you make the right choice. Hire the publicist with the “blink factor”. What’s [...]

Real Publicity Story: J.P. Tells How Annie Jennings PR Took Him To The Top

Listen Here: The Annie Jennings PR Real Story Success Series showcases real author and client success in leveraging Annie’s media bookings as door openers into  huge new opportunities with mega money making potential. In this podcast, [...]

Real Story: How Frederick Leveraged His Radio Publicity Into Huge New Opportunities!

Listen Here: The Annie Jennings PR Real Story Success Series showcases real author and client success in leveraging Annie’s media bookings as door openers into  huge new opportunities with mega money making potential. In this podcast, [...]
JenningsWire Career Success Article

It’s GO TIME For Your Career Or Business!

That’s right. It is time to take it to the top. But how? You know you are good . . . but how do you get them to know it? Well, here’s a tip for you that only the most successful business performers (you know the ones, you see them on TV) [...]
Needle In The Haystack PR

Searching For The Needle In The Haystack Experts For PR Bookings

That’s right. Those top level authors and experts who wish to go even higher in their careers. They are perfect for our ongoing news talk radio guest opportunities.  These experts are the ones we can book right now as regular news guests. To [...]

Go Ahead, Be Amazing On Talk Radio

Go ahead, share your message with the world. Yes, but how to you get ‘out there’ with the world listening in? That’s what talk radio shows are all about. They have tens of thousands of listeners (some lots more) just hanging on to your [...]

Podcast: Tips To Re-Energize Your Relationship

Listen Here: Relationship Coach, Midori Verity author of Secrets To A Kickass Marriage, provides practical, real life tips to re-energizing your relationship. Tips To Re-Energize Your Relationship How can a mid-life crisis be the best thing [...]

Author Reveals Blockbuster Moneymaking Book Promotion Strategies

Listen Here: REAL SUCCESS STORY – Author Tells Everything: Annie Jennings is the creator of the most powerful radio campaign in the country where you are booked on high impact shows in top markets and she is famous for guaranteed deliverables.  In [...]

Podcast: Publicity for Introverts

Listen Here: Jane Tabachnick is the author of Publicity For Introverts. She has been named one of the top 100 people online by Fast Company for her work as a digital PR strategist who teaches savvy authors and heart centered women entrepreneurs [...]

Don’t Be Like A Rotting Pumpkin, Instead Jumpstart Your Success!

Think about your Halloween pumpkin.  When you were on the hunt you instinctively sought out the  perfect pumpkin.   And for a while, it was perfect.  All lit up, brilliant and fabulous for Halloween.  But then suddenly it no longer looked [...]

The Perfect Office Holiday Cookie (They’ll LOVE ‘Em, Recipe Inside!)

Here’s how it works every year. Sometime around Thanksgiving, the office starts to wonder when their favorite holiday cookies will arrive .  Every now and then you can hear a voice in the background saying, “I wonder when the Russian [...]

Round Up! Real Stories Of Branding Strategies That Worked!

Do they like you, do they really like you? That depends. Do ‘they’ even know who you are, what you do and why you do it better? When you think of Starbucks  . . . quick, what do you think of? Coffee. When you think of Dunkin Donuts? [...]

Can’t Resist A “Must Have” Spur Of The Moment Impulse Buy? Who Can? Accidental Overspending Back Up Plan Inside!

BACK UP PLAN: Keep those impulse buys in the trunk of your car for 24 hours Right?  How many times have you been caught up in the frenzy of a sale only to feel buyer’s remorse once you are on the way home? Did I really need that? Do I [...]