Posts Tagged "finance"
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Today we’re featuring a conversation with Danny Kofke, who after being a school teacher for 18 years, recently left the classroom to work with Mentoro – a financial wellness company. He is the author of five personal [...]
The first day of class
It is Monday, the first day of school and the eighth grade sociology teacher walks into class and puts his name on the blackboard and next to it the number 59 with a circle around it. He then proceeds to tell his class [...]
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Dan Evertsz is the CEO of College Money Pros. For the last 10 years, Dan has helped hundreds of working families substantially lower their out of pocket expense for college. Dan offers parents a structured plan and practical [...]
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David Waring is the co-founder and editor at FitSmallBusiness.com a site that helps small business owners choose the right products and services for their business.
How To Finance Your Business
What’s the most common mistake [...]
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Ronna Prince is a former corporate banker turned intuitive counselor and now filmmaker. In this podcast Ronna discusses her film “Sacred Journey of the Heart” and the 3 keys to heart centered living.
The 3 Keys To [...]
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Janet Bernstein who in 2009 was a newly separated stay-at-home mom in her early forties with no money, career, or education.
Today, she’s an Ivy League graduate, owns one of Philadelphia’s most successful professional [...]
Eliminating limiting beliefs can change your life.
In my book, If Your Money Talked… What Secrets Would It Tell?, I wrote a chapter dedicated to the topic of limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts planted in our subconscious [...]
An unfortunate reality of difficult economic times is that layoffs and cutbacks become business as usual.
And economic crisis or unemployment can throw even the best functioning families into emotional turmoil as nothing before it has.
With [...]
There are many people who get stressed out in managing their money and their finances.
In some months, your savings are doing good and the next month you may be losing money.
I sometimes find it difficult to deal with managing my money and my [...]
Facing Fiscal Reality
OK, I roll back my timeline to when I turned 21 and attended my first legal-to-drink New Year’s Eve party. Actually I don’t really remember the party but I do remember waking up the next day and swearing to never [...]
During the Great Depression a Christmas mystery occurred in my hometown of Canton, Ohio.
A local business man, using the name of B.Virdot, placed a tiny advertisement in The Canton Repository offering those in need an opportunity for financial [...]
BACK UP PLAN: Keep those impulse buys in the trunk of your car for 24 hours
Right? How many times have you been caught up in the frenzy of a sale only to feel buyer’s remorse once you are on the way home? Did I really need that? Do I [...]
Bundle up
A mother reminds her child to take a jacket while waiting for the morning bus ride to school. The child doesn’t want to look uncool in front of his peers and doesn’t want to deal with the hassle of carrying a jacket [...]