Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
Podcast: How To Rev Up Your Life With High Energy

Podcast: How To Rev Up Your Life With High Energy

Listen Here: Dr. Gary Epler is an internationally-known pulmonary and critical care professor at Harvard Medical School. He has written four health books in the critically-acclaimed “You’re the Boss” series about people taking charge [...]

Podcast: The Power Of Chakras

Listen Here: Bestselling author, Dr. Susan Shumsky, is a highly respected spiritual teacher and pioneer in the field of human potential.  In this podcast, Susan discusses her latest book, The Power of Chakras: Unlock Your 7 Energy Centers [...]

Energy is Your Air: Like Water is to a Boat

ENERGY is our AIR. We rarely talk about energy and we rarely talk about air. Not the “oh it’s polluted” kind of air. Just air. Yet it is necessary to our existence and present in our life every day. We can’t see air and we can’t smell [...]

Podcast: Color Therapy Secrets

Listen Here: Donna Reis is a Certified Chromatologist and founder of ColorVision. In this podcast, Donna discusses the therapeutic value of color, its energy and how it can support health and wellness. Color Therapy Secrets How do you [...]

Podcast: Create A Home In Harmony Lifestyle

Listen Here: Interior Designer, Marriage & Family Therapist and Green Living expert, Christa O’Leary, MA, MFT, is the founder and CEO of Home in Harmony Lifestyle. She teaches people how to ‘Design Inspired Living’ and her upcoming [...]

If You Want More Energy, Clean Something

Sitting at my desk this morning, spinning my wheels, I knew I needed to do something in order to be productive. Clearly checking email and cruising Facebook would not be helpful. I looked around and saw the source of my frustration. My office [...]

Solar Eclipse In Taurus On May 9th & 10th

Here comes the Sun…do do do doooo…along with the Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Taurus. What does it mean? The things you’ve been working toward are at hand (with a few surprises, too)! But the past comes up for review first. How [...]

Start Your Day With A Winning Image!

We’re not all ‘morning people’…surprised? No, not everyone bounces out of bed ready and raring to go with a smile on their face and in a terrific mood. ‘Morning people’ can’t seem to do it any other way – and I must confess, [...]

Energy Drinks – Full Of Bull?

Energy drinks are everywhere these days! Apparently a good “Cup of Joe” doesn’t cut it like it used to. These beverages are everywhere from bodegas to barrooms!  What’s the draw?  Do we really need so much energy to [...]

Your Brilliant Blueprint for Success

Quantum physics Deep inside you, inside your DNA, is an inherent Blueprint for Success. Everyone comes into this life with a blueprint for success, and your personal blueprint includes the capacity to bring to fruition the incredible life that [...]