Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Self-Sabotage Is Your Greatest Enemy

Business people, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians and others are adamant about one thing: If you want to succeed in whatever you do, you have to stay focused. This means that you must keep the task and goals in sight and your thoughts steadfast [...]

Podcast: The DNA Of Success

Listen Here: Jack Zufelt is the author of the bestselling book, The DNA of Success: Know What You Want to Get What You Want which has been translated into 15 languages. Discover how to access your ability to achieve success by learning how [...]

Letting Go Of Good To Receive Better

It seems as though the months are moving fast. Or is it just me sitting here not doing anything while everyone and everything else in this world is continuing to move?  Look at it this way: Have you still not gotten what you want or where you [...]

Dream Big!

The first step: Dream big! Dream Big and Pray Bold (Joel Osteen) Dream Big! & Be Bold (Asara Lovejoy) Dream Big & Act Bold (Dr. Katie) Are you ready to dream big and pray, Be, or act bold?  Or even all three?  Your form of prayer may [...]

The Year Of Dream Fulfillment

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles is your life? If not, why not? We have often been trained to believe that miracles are something out of the ordinary, when in fact, they are the things we have asked for in our lives that [...]