The first step: Dream big!
Dream Big and Pray Bold (Joel Osteen)
Dream Big! & Be Bold (Asara Lovejoy)
Dream Big & Act Bold (Dr. Katie)
Are you ready to dream big and pray, Be, or act bold? Or even all three? Your form of prayer may be to the Divine, it may be to the Universe, it may be to whatever you feel in your heart when you are in your own space of inner peace. The most important thing is to go inside to the center of Truth and be willing to both be and act bold.
What is your biggest dream for yourself? What do you want to be, do or have?
My teaching partner Bonnie and I are Co-Directors of The One Command Life and we have dedicated the entire year of 2013 to new beginnings, and to the Journey of individual awakenings. This journey is designed to offer ways of new being along the paths that you are choosing, and to offer signs along the way that take you where you have always wanted to go, rather than simply following the well-worn paths of your yesterdays.
Each month we ask our participants to dream big!
In January we investigated the path of Your Life is a Journey – from the Unified Field to your DNA and everything in between.
In February we followed the path of the question – Have You Outgrown Your Life? If you are like many of us on the planet, you are on a journey of renewal.
In March as we traveled the Path of Forgiveness, really we went deep into that place of self-forgiveness, because it is almost impossible to give what you do not have.
And in April we are traveling the Path of Living in Peace, and that includes Inner Peace as the core of possibility.
The Next Step: Ask yourself really good questions.
So would you like to play a little? I have some questions for you that have often been part of a life-changing experience for people.
Tony Robbins makes these comments about asking ourselves great questions:
Quality questions create a quality life.
Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.
Questions provide the key to unlocking our unlimited potential.
Here are two useful questions to start with around opening to your awakening:
Are you willing to receive?
Do you allow others to offer you help, resources, ideas?
I can guarantee that if you decide to allow yourself to receive and give up any ideas of:
I don’t deserve…
It is better to give than receive…
I don’t want to feel obligated…
Or whatever your reasons may be from what you learned growing up, or any examples of your fears, like feeling obligated, when you open yourself to receive from others, your life will begin to change for the better.
There are so many changes you can make in your life that are easier than you may now believe, and they may seem unrelated to your success and happiness. However, being a grateful and graceful receiver will become a blessing of expansion in your life.
It is important to make a new decision about how you want to be in the world and how full you want your life to be. In order to dream big, you must also be willing to receive what you create. Without that willingness, your gifts may go wanting because your mind and spirit are not open to receive what you have asked for.
Now, you can make some One Commands.
For example:
I don’t know how I allow myself to receive with ease and grace, I only know I do now, and I am fulfilled.
I don’t know how my big dreams are fulfilled and I receive them into my life, I only know I do now, and I am fulfilled.
I don’t know how I live in joy and gratitude, I only know I do now and I am fulfilled.
These One Commands (said in theta after grounding your energy and aligning with all that is, and going into the theta brainwave and then expanding and receiving – the 6-Steps) change your DNA and your life experience).
Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin – you can’t have one without the other, and when you try, you simply create an imbalance in your life.
Receiving is just one area where you can take a new path to enhance your life experience and create more joy on your Journey.
Have fun!
Dr. Katie
Read more posts by Katie Garnett, Ph.D, Co-Director of The One Command Life. Katie is a blogger for JenningsWire.