Posts Tagged "bree maresca-kramer m.a."
Our thoughts are powerful beams of creation.
They direct our feelings, affect our mood, and attract things we desire or fear.
However, many of us unknowingly focus our attention on thoughts that actually block us from seeing and experiencing [...]
Although this is supposed to be the “best time of the year,” many couples end up dealing with more relationship problems than usual.
The number one reason this occurs is due to the frenetic energy and stress placed on us during this [...]
We all know that good communication is a major piece in having a great relationship.
However, you would be surprised at how often people say things that cause damage in their relationship without even realizing they are doing it.
“You [...]
Last year The Nielsen Company estimated that 39.3 million people watched the Oscars.
This year ABC is pulling out all the stops heavily marketing the Academy Awards, which is set to air this Sunday.
In addition to the continual ads promoting [...]
What if?
What if we allowed ourselves the possibility of knowing that in each of our relationships there is potential for personal growth? Can you imagine the new doors of awareness that would open up?
The truth is that in every relationship [...]
Ending a relationship.
For the most part, good men do not want to hurt the woman they have been in a relationship with and they certainly do not want to make her cry. Therefore, when it comes to ending a relationship, they will often try a [...]
When we are centered in a state of allowing, infinite possibilities become open to us.
However, when we decide exactly how things should be and then try to force it into fruition, we are blocking our greatest good. This is very easy to say [...]
I am often asked, “When is the right time to stop dating around and focus on one man?”
Usually, this question is being asked by a woman who wants to do this but is unsure of the man’s intentions or the full extent of her feelings [...]
If you listen to a man, really listen to his actual words.
He will reveal to you what he thinks, feels, and believes along with his intentions toward you. “Well, that is just common sense Bree!” you may be saying, “Of course [...]
As we are closing out of 2012 and entering into 2013 we are each faced with a choice!
We can either hold onto things that are not working or open up to new ways of thinking and behaving in our lives; especially in our relationships, career, [...]
Now more than ever it is important for us all to witness the “love!”
What do I mean by this?
In every case, no matter how bad the picture looks, there are rays of love that come through it.
For instance, looking at the outpouring [...]
Although anger is a normal human emotion, when it is not handled well it can create damage and a breakdown a relationship.
What many men and women do not understand is that allowing their unedited anger to come out, especially in the heat of [...]
Ready for it?
It’s simple, women desire that you to be the man.
Wow! That sounds easy right? You are already a man and she is already a woman so not much trouble with this one!
Then why is the dating world filled with angry, fed-up women [...]