Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Podcast: Fitness Through The Decades

Listen Here: Janna Lowell is a fitness pro and a featured trainer on Extra, VH1 Celebrity Fit Club, E! TV and more. She is author of Noodles For Dumbbells – Water Exercise, Weight Management & More. In this podcast Janna discusses fitness [...]

Transformations Happen One Day, One Meal, One Workout, One Decision At A Time

Everybody wants to lose weight or transform into leaner, toned versions of themselves. Unfortunately, few are willing to work for it. “I’ll do this water diet and lose weight fast!” or “I’ll get liposuction so I [...]

Podcast: Color Therapy Secrets

Listen Here: Donna Reis is a Certified Chromatologist and founder of ColorVision. In this podcast, Donna discusses the therapeutic value of color, its energy and how it can support health and wellness. Color Therapy Secrets How do you [...]

ObamaCare And Our Healthcare Crisis

ObamaCare has been limping along for a few weeks now, creating the much-anticipated havoc in many of our lives. Some of us will pay a lot more for insurance that covers less, while others will actually have affordable coverage for some of their [...]

Podcast: Take Control Of Your Health NOW!

Listen Here: Andrew Johnston is the author of Holistic Strength Training for Triathlon, a former professional cyclist, the first Leukemia Survivor to qualify for and finish the Hawaii Ironman World Championships, as well as to win an Iron [...]

Food For Thought

What does “fishy fishy” have to do with your brain? You may have never considered that what you put in your mouth, send down your esophagus and have plunge into a pool of raging acids in your stomach has a significant effect on your brain [...]

Information Is Power…

Health information is everywhere. We want to remain youthful and strong and if this means reading the latest studies, we’ll do it—we want to know. We read magazines, watch the news, talk to our doctor and even memorize a few statistics so [...]

Why I Don’t Like Band Aids

Let’s start today out with a little honesty. When I was in my thirties, I was a mess. I was a new mother, a busy doctor, and a frazzled spouse. I was overweight, overstressed, and PMS had an iron grip on my mood for three weeks out of the [...]

The Endless Pursuit Of Happiness

Everyone seems to be on a quest for happiness. We all just want to be happy. What does that mean exactly, and how do we get there? What is happiness? Victor Frankl said “happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the [...]

Eat Well In The Winter With Carrot-Ginger Soup

Eating a whole foods diet will streamline your torso, reduce inflammation and promote healing. Whether you are watching calories, cholesterol, additives, or fats–it’s a pretty sure bet you’ll keep right on program if you’re [...]

New Year’s Resolutions Got You Down?

They seemed like a good idea on January 1st. Around January 7 – not so much.  Somehow you thought your life would be different come the first of the year, but you still don’t have time to exercise, you still aren’t preparing healthy meals, [...]

‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly

One of my favorite symbols of the holiday season are the words “Ho Ho Ho.” It’s so cheerful–simply a short and to the point message of happiness. I buy any and all Holiday decorations that have these three little words written on [...]

Mind, Body, Spirit: Which Is Which?

Body—mind—spirit–where does one stop and the other begin? Within our own minds we decide how intimately the two are connected. We each decide just how self-aware we want or need to be. Our histories have created for us a worldview [...]

5 Things You Can Do to Live a Mindful Life

Mindfulness—lately it’s become a hot topic of conversation in book clubs and popular magazines. Last weekend someone even brought it up in conversation at a party. If you haven’t attended a mindfulness class and you’re wondering what [...]

Are You Crazy or Do You Have Celiac Disease?

A few years back I received a call from a concerned daughter. Near tears she reported that her family was at the end of the rope. Her mom was acting erratically and was experiencing wild mood swings. One moment she was depressed, crying, and [...]

Our Histories, Our Bodies

Body—mind—spirit, where does one stop and the other begin? Within our own minds we decide how intimately the two are connected. We each have our own perspective on just how self-aware we want or need to be. Our histories have created for [...]

Heart Disease Is All Around Us

Michael Clark Duncan Grooming Michael Clark Duncan stands out among many memories from back in the day when I was a Hollywood makeup artist. I remember the size of his head, I had never used that much makeup to cover someone’s dome before. His [...]

The Self Esteem Triangle

Self-esteem, self-confidence, and success are intimately related. You can’t have one without the other. If you lack self -esteem you cannot build self- confidence and if you lack self- confidence, you will have a difficult time achieving [...]

Healthcare Roundup

It was a fight from the beginning. Even though I tried to be stealth about it, he knew. Today, was the day to take my cat for his annual health check.  Animals are not so different than their human counter parts. It was a struggle to get Max [...]

Designing A Life That Makes You Smile!

What is life supposed to be? We are running around living hectic fast paced lives only to collapse into bed and wake up to do it all over again. Who decided that this is what life was suppose to be? I see this with too many of my readers. They [...]

How This Out Of Shape Mom Of Teens Became A Half Marathoner

I never ran. I hated to run.  The only time I would run was if I was running away from something.  But in my mid-40’s, basically a stay at home mom with two teenagers, I was overweight, unhealthy with high cholesterol and high blood pressure [...]