Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Is Your Life Stuck In A Rut?

We have all been there and it is very upsetting, sometimes making the situations more difficult than they appear to be. The uncertainly of it all becomes overwhelming and over time paralyzing.  Ever feel the frustration, the sadness that usually [...]

How Can You Make Your Life Shine?

Simplifying our lives can be hard because it forces us to own our values and shape our lives around them. What makes you a real treasure around other people?  What do you do that lights up your inside?  Ask a friend; their insight could be [...]

Summertime…And The Livin’ Was Easy

Growing up in the 1960’s with the great songs of summer was amazing! We weren’t close enough to California to be surfer girls who would wipeout, but we were ready to roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer! Three months of making [...]

Warning: Explosion At Risk

Once in a while you have to do something that makes no sense. At least to your logical mind. However for you creative mind this will feel like a long run, eating candy, yoga, or great sex! And if you don’t do it there will be serious consequences. It’s [...]

Why Not Put Yourself FIRST In Your Life?

Everyday put yourself at the top of your list. Tune into your heart and really listen to what it is telling you on a regular basis. Care for your physical and spiritual health, slowing down enough to allow yourself to simply receive and enjoy [...]

Summer Sun ‘n Stuff

Isn’t it amazing what a little warmth and sun can do for your mood? Where I live, we’ve just come through one of the bitterest winters on record. Spring didn’t give great respite: it was cool with constant bouts of rain. I recall one afternoon [...]

Podcast: Coolhaus Ice Cream Book

Listen Here: Natasha Case is the co-founder of Coolhaus, architecturally inspired gourmet ice cream.  Since their launch at Coachella in 2009, Coolhaus has grown from 1 truck to 5 cities and is carried in 1,500 stores like Whole Foods. Yahoo [...]

“4S Way To Dress” This Summer

How to Keep Your Child Safe in the Summer Sun It is great to get your child outside and active during the summer months. However, is your kid spending all day basking in the sun without the proper sun protection? Did you know that just one blistering [...]

5 Ways To Lead Your Team through Summer Doldrums

When summertime rolls around companies struggle to keep their employees alert and focused, instead of daydreaming about their after-work plans. However, as many turn to summertime hours for a solution, the results are less than ideal: studies [...]

What Happened To The “Wow” Factor?

Remember being a kid? Well, let me be more specific, those of you who are between 40 and say, 60 do you remember “wow” factors?  They consisted of going out at night, visiting the local drug store that had racks of comic books [...]

No To Diet & Yes To Photography!

Summer is around the corner! We get recharged with the smell of fresh flowers, a slice of blue sky and the calm warm winds announcing the arrival of a new season; a season we so deeply love. Along the path everything around us becomes colorful [...]