Everyday put yourself at the top of your list.
Tune into your heart and really listen to what it is telling you on a regular basis.
Care for your physical and spiritual health, slowing down enough to allow yourself to simply receive and enjoy your day. If you do this, it will help you to offer your best self to others around you.
Set boundaries and learn to say “no” more often. So many of us say yes to everything and everybody that soon we become anxious and over extended, day after day. This is not healthy to live this way.
Let each day start with a mindset of positivity and gratitude. Before you know it this will lead to endless possibilities for you.
Check out what you are tolerating on a regular basis. You may see where this is draining your energy and possibly dimming your lights.
It takes work and practice on a daily basis to create a happy life. The more you practice – the easier it will become!
Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.
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