Summer is around the corner!
We get recharged with the smell of fresh flowers, a slice of blue sky and the calm warm winds announcing the arrival of a new season; a season we so deeply love.
Along the path everything around us becomes colorful and vivid; the grapes, the plums, the peaches, the tomatoes and so on and on.
I’ve been wondering for quite sometime why we choose summer as our favorite season?
Is it contributed by the inner sense of freedom, get out of the box, liberty and beauty, walks on the beach, light clothing and vacation destinations occupying our minds?
On the opposite side of this happy pendulum we battle with the reflection of our bodies in the mirror as we try on our light summer clothes.
Oh boy, we are in a panic! where did we go wrong? Should we replace the mirror?
Somehow Winter and Spring are not strong enough to influence us to shed a few pounds and choose to eat the foods that love us back and make us look good for the entire year. We’ve got to stop eating is our first reaction.
Well, as we repeat many times; it’s okay, just one more bite of this fresh French bread, a couple of French fries, a scoop of ice cream and we seem to find a good excuse and reason to continue the habit until the big awakening moment enters our calendar space; Summer is here and I need to look good and feel fit to match the light wear clothing of our loving season, showing off our body curves inch by inch.
So the choice is loud and clear; introducing all over again, regiment, discipline, and the necessity to filter all that we eat and drink before we indulge and feel regret afterwards, adding more emotional weight to our troubled minds and feeling disturbed by the numbers on the scale. Perhaps it is out-of-order?
Out with freedom, and in with responsibilities; this is the perception but not the reflection of true reality.
We can achieve our goal and look fantastic in the bathing suit by simply shifting our mind-set and learning all the positive and rewarding tools in a book I am privileged to share with you; No Diet, Great Body written by Racha Zeidan.
Having the privilege to speak with Racha I’ve discovered the foundation of her passion and desire to share with us extraordinary knowledge. It is all ignited by her amazing talents as a photographer. Looking at Racha’s photographs, you see the splendid talent and feelings enveloping the photo shouting out softly: “Be good to yourself!” Treat yourself well with healthy meals and loving moments, stop and smell the roses and the camera does the rest. With combined effort and the magical touch we find the results we deeply cherish painting our imagination further and further.
Indeed without words or sound the expression is there right in front of your eyes and you can choose to keep it to yourself or share it with the world. Racha’s rich experience comes from living in the various corners of the world; Lebanon, England, USA and United Arab Emirates, gave her the exposure and the ability to express in writing and photography an infinite fashion connecting food to art and lifestyle feelings and sincere emotions acknowledging infinite beauty in our surroundings and relationships. Happy summer to you all. A moment in time will influence your journey.
Read more posts by Ana Weber here. Ana is a blogger for JenningsWire.