Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

BIG BAD BULLY… The Dream Job Turned Nightmare

You got the job! You took the GMAT three times to get wait-listed and then finally admitted to that high end school for your masters. You have attended the seminars and chased job recruiters at workshops. Your resume was circulated by four different [...]
Overlooked and Ignored: Another Form of Workplace Incivility

Overlooked and Ignored: Another Form of Workplace Incivility

Patrice was a conscientious colleague at her local newspaper. She was ready to pitch in when someone needed to fact check an item. She even offered to do light editing when time permitted. However, her assistant editor, Kyle, didn’t like her [...]
Don’t Let A Bully Rob You Of Good Health

Don’t Let A Bully Rob You Of Good Health

Julius knows he has been bullied since his arrival on the job. While Julius was a stand out during the interview and the search committee liked him, his boss is jealous that he earned his masters at Penn. Julius threw a wonderful party for his [...]
Won’t you be my neighbor? Summer civility pays off all year

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Summer Civility Pays Off All Year

Summertime is upon us bringing people into their outdoor spaces and recreational places. While the weather is sunny outside, are you bringing a sunny attitude to the occasional conflict that arises with your neighbors? Consider just how neighborly [...]
Vicarious Bullying, Dealing With Multiple Bullies On Staff

Vicarious Bullying, Dealing With Multiple Bullies On Staff

Stanley was in disbelief once again. His boss’s administrative assistant, Karol, burst in his office barking orders. “You know Mr. Thyme wants it this way! He will send this back!” Stanley just stayed still and let Karol get her assault [...]
Be Thankful For Civility On The Job

Be Thankful For Civility On The Job

National and international studies show that workplace bullying remains a problem. Regardless of your political affiliation, one can see how the bullying temperament of the White House has increased the number of hate crimes and aggressive behavior [...]
A Message For Anti- Bullying Month - A Glimpse At Steven Spielberg

A Message For Anti- Bullying Month – A Glimpse At Steven Spielberg

So, do you have a child being bullied? Perhaps you are facing adult bullying? Those facing abuse and aggression can prevail. Those facing bullying can use those unfortunate experiences to create new messages. The inspiration for this blog is [...]

Lacking Empathy? A Precursor To Bullying

Karen was working frantically to make new employee orientation a success. She doubled checked the breakfast menu, made arrangements for the interpreter when another staff member dropped the ball. Karen even fronted $500 of her own money when [...]

Bullying And Brain Damage

Did you know that being stressed out could cause brain damage? These are the findings from Dr. Klaus Miczek, a Tufts University psychologist. He found a way to replicate bullying for rodents. By placing a larger and aggressive rat in a cage [...]
Do You Have A Championship Organization?

Do You Have A Championship Organization?

Do you have a championship organization? Do you lead an organization that is in the top of its sector at the end of the year? Despite injuries, or occasional scuffles, does your team perform?  I am a diehard Steelers fan. I grew up watching [...]
Did You Have A Bully-Free Holiday

Did You Have A Bully-Free Holiday?

Matty was always the smaller kid. He was smart, gifted with science, but smaller than his older brother, Tim. For some reason, Tim enjoyed the blood sport of picking on his brother, especially in front of company.  Tim embarrassed Matty about [...]
Avoiding Bullies In The Job Search Process

Avoiding Bullies In The Job Search Process

I have had the honor of speaking at the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Leadership Forums this fall. The topic was reflecting on strategies to deal with bullies during career ascension. As we close 2016, and people think of new [...]
Inclusion v. Tolerance: More Than Food For Thought

Inclusion v. Tolerance: More Than Food For Thought

Over the past year, higher education has had an intense national conversation about the need to diversify its faculty, staff and executive administration. This time has long been coming, as a majority of the young people born are black, brown [...]
For National Bullying Prevention Month- Is Your Brand NICE?

For National Bullying Prevention Month- Is Your Brand NICE?

Yes, I realize I am tweaking a title from a recent Sandra Bullock movie… yet the phrase rings loud in my ears.  Is your brand nice? We all go through this world… a world full of political leaders who spend more time sniping than talking [...]

Wishing Everyone a Civil 2016

The New Year always brings the opportunity to reflect on the past and potential improvement for the following year. New Year’s resolutions typically include losing weight, quitting smoking, joining a gym, or even saving money. One thing to [...]

A Holiday Tip: Home Is Where Civility Is…

The holidays can be a fun loving time and a chance to create some beautiful new memories. In contrast, the holidays can be a stressed filled season reminiscent of arguments from the ghosts of Christmas past.  MSN Travel reports that over 100 [...]

Fifty Shades of Civility

With 50 Shades of Grey making the rounds on cable this month, we have an opportunity to peek into the psyche of a psychological bully. At the root of this highly stylized version of the Pacific Northwest, is an impressionable young woman, Anastasia [...]

I’m Not Here To Make Friends – Maybe You Should Be

Steve was hired as the new associate vice president of the mid west region. The last four quarters, his division faced declining production and slipping revenue. Investors were concerned; the board was ready to take prisoners. Steve was the [...]

Excusing Bad Behavior in the Office?

Layla was working on a project that required the input of two other offices. She needed data from the research office, and also promotional materials from the institution’s marketing division. She was on a deadline, but still needed to move [...]

A Little Empathy For The Holidays

Our workplaces, public places and even entertainment places are almost under constant siege from frustration, anxiety and the resulting violence against each other. Whether such violence results in micro inequities, little slick comments which [...]

Passed Over? Speak Up

Tammy, a 52 year old African American woman was a long standing employee of ABC* grocery. She was with the company when those scanners were installed. She knows the inventory and respective vendors.  She has been the leading store manager in [...]

All Work And No Play…

Catherine is thrilled to join her new marketing team. She was highly recruited and more than pleased with her signing bonus. Now she had to perform. While she ran on adrenaline for three weeks straight, in the middle of moving across state lines [...]

The Rising Cost Of Denying Access To Those With Disabilities

David is the manager of neighborhood pharmacy. He is task-oriented and needs to be as his store is short staffed.  While David has always been fair, he is upset with Tommy; his evening manager who comes in one day with doctor’s notes and [...]

Spring Cleaning Means Review Of HR Policies

As the buds bloom and many of us conduct our spring cleaning, it’s a good time to review your organization’s workplace discrimination policies. In the last few years, the EEOC has updated policies regarding retaliation, religious discrimination [...]

Happiness At Work!

Since the Oscars performance from Pharrell Williams, HAPPY has received even more attention nationally and internationally. Could it be the winter blues that has us craving for happiness? Is there a spiritual component?  Perhaps it just feels [...]

Staying Accessible In The Winter

Imagine David, a wheel chair bound employee for ABC Corporation. He is typically on time and will even work late to get the job done correctly. David is valued member of his work community and well-respected. However, the recent series of storms [...]

Reflecting On Mandela

We all have had a few weeks to reflect on the life and times of Nelson Mandela, an amazing revolutionary who fought for inequities at the risk of his own well being. His life achievements have changed the world and how we look at violence, inequities, [...]

Bullying Or Boys Being Boys?

One might ask, what constitutes bullying, even in the NFL? Jonathan Martin leaving the Miami Dolphins, alleging he had faced hazing and bullying form Ritchie Incognito has brought new attention to workplace bullying in a place known for over [...]

October Is Bully Prevention Month

Do you feel stressed out at work when dealing with a particularly aggressive individual? Do you feel coerced to comply with unreasonable demands, or berated for little things? Does the treatment from your boss or others escalate and become more [...]

Ghost In The Machine: Cyber Harassment, Technological Bullying

Have you ever dreaded opening your email or other electronic messages because the tone and language was beyond insulting? As we all are increasingly relying on email, texts and electronic communication in work and education, the opportunity [...]

Does Back To School Mean Back To Bullying?

A recent student by Dr. Leah Hollis confirmed that 62% of higher education professionals face workplace bullying. This statistic is 58% higher than the general population.  Does back to school at colleges and universities mean back to bullying? As [...]

The Trayvon Martin Verdict… And The Healthy Workplace

We have been here before. A country becomes divided over a controversial verdict with the Rodney King Trial, or the O.J. Simpson trial. There is nothing like race and presumed murder that divides a country. And when we return to our desks the [...]

Is There Justice For GI Jane?

Do you remember the hardships Demi Moore’s character went through to become the first woman to join Navy Special Forces in the 1997 film GI Jane? The torment, the sacrifice and the even the frustration any woman endures to measure up to men [...]

Bullying? Round Two At Rutgers?

As Rutgers scrambled this spring in the midst of the player abuse scandal and the wake of the Mike Rice era, they have fallen further down the rabbit hole of controversy with the hiring of Julie Hermann as the new Rutgers Athletics Director. According [...]

Podcast: Ignite Your Staff

Listen Here: Dr. Leah Hollis, president of Patricia Berkly LLC and healthy workplace advocate has done extensive research on workplace bullying, harassment and retaliation. Leah serves as a graduate professor in leadership studies, training [...]